Golden Lemuria Transmission: Remembering What Has Been and What Will Come Again.
As the light increases on the planet, many Starseeds are remembering lifetimes in Golden Lemuria. This is all part of the awakening process and bringing heaven once again to this earth-plane. This transmission will assist you in remembering your participation in Golden Lemuria. This in turn will assist you in stepping more gracefully into the higher frequencies of light in this time of transition from dark to light on the planet.
One Response
It was such an eye opener for me. In my pursuit of awakening I completely forgot that my Higher Self is my primary compass which holds all answers . I was asking my team of angels and often forgot to ask myself first.
Question for Steve: you advised that we talk to the highest dimension of our Higher Self. I don’t know why but I keep on getting the 8th dimension. Is this even possible ? I thought it was an infinite dimension which held all others. The Matrix or Tree of all.