5D Major Arcana Course

Affirmations: My Eternal Essence is a Great River of Flowing Golden Light.

This is a remastered track (originally uploaded July 2020).

Affirmations are one tried and tested way we can reprogramme our unconscious mind with new possibilities. Affirmations can raise the level of our thinking which in turn increases certain feel-good hormones.

“My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. No price can be placed on my being, I am beyond all price. The soul is priceless, the soul is a pearl of great price. My eternal essence is a pearl of such immense value, it cannot be bought or sold. I remove all tags of low self-worth, of not deserving, all tags that block me receiving my highest good. Whether these were given to me by family, peers, friends, those in a position of authority. I am my own authority. And all such tags are false illusions…..

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light…..

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. I am unique, there is not another being exactly like me. I am here for a reason and whether I know it or not I have a right to be here, to be part of this mission on the earth, this mission to shift the planet from a place of darkness to a place of great light.

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. Every challenge is there to help me grow stronger and more determined, more resourceful. More determined and resourceful to find the true way. More determined to know and experience my true value. This value cannot be measured because it extends beyond just one lifetime.

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. My nature is naturally optimistic. I shake off the cobwebs of doubt, confusion, fear and pessimism. I do not need to prove myself to anyone. I release the need to focus on problems and the need to grow the hard way, the way of suffering and limitation. Instead I open to new solutions and new pathways that lead to growth through joy.

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light…..

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. In this 3D Matrix no value is placed on essence. As one great master said, what does it profit a person to gain the world if they lose their own soul. We lose connection with our soul when we attach too much importance to the form of things. All life is animated by a deeper light, without that light all forms will fade very quickly.

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. I have lived many lifetimes and I have gained many experiences, skills, and much wisdom. My self-worth cannot be measured by the things of this world, it cannot be measured by parental approval, education, qualifications, social status. All of these are fleeting things, all of these will pass away. The Soul is eternal, I am eternal. My consciousness is vaster than this body.

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. I release all blame, all disappointment, all criticism I have internalised that does not serve me. I release all need for external validation. I am unique, my talents and abilities are unique and I do not validation from others. I am self-reliant, creative and tenacious.

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light…..

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. There will be those who will help, point the way and there will be others who will hinder and divert the true seeker from the true path. I am highly intuitive; I trust the guidance that comes from within. I can tell true light from false light. The Soul is eternal, I am eternal. My strength and resources are multidimensional.

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. I expand all limits. I expand all limits to love. I expand my ability to love and appreciate myself. I expand all mental limits. I choose my thoughts. I banish all unhelpful conditioning that has been imposed on my unconscious mind. I expand my ability to release all judgements from others and to seek out those situations and people that uplift and inspire my heart and mind.

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. I love and accept myself for who I am. I accept my body as the sacred temple of my soul. This body is a sacred creation of my consciousness. I accept all of my emotions. I accept all of my thoughts. As I do this, I find that others also love and accept me. I am loved and appreciated wherever I go.

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light…..

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. As I embrace more of my true essence and release the attachments and judgements of this world, I find I am increasingly living with the pure vibration of grace. Soul qualities of abundance, courage, flow, grace, harmony, and unity consciousness vibrate within me. These qualities and so many more are the true essence of my being.

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. As I open to the many treasures within me, I become more cheerful, happy and I radiate a higher light. These treasures have been gained over so many lifetimes. Some of these treasures have not been available until now. Some of these treasures are skills waiting to become operational in this body at this time.

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. At this time of ascension, the universe is always conspiring to guide me away from paths that do not serve me and guide me towards the highest path, the path of ease, grace, celebration and flow. My time in the 3D Mutant Matrix is over. The time of the ascendancy of the dark is over. Since the 2012 trigger point the light has been in the ascendance.

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light…..

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. I ask my unconscious mind to remember my true value in every situation and with every person I meet. As I recognise the true light within myself, as I recognise the true limitless value of the soul then I am more able to recognise the light and true value of everyone I meet. Everyone is a spiritual master in training.

My eternal essence is a great river of flowing golden light. I am one with the Universe, and my eternal essence is one of limitless value. As I recognise my true value, I am able to connect with ease and grace to my Higher Self and all high frequency beings in the Universe who seek to help me on my path of ascension now. I am one with the Universe, and I live within the pure vibration of knowing the true value of all life on this beautiful blue-green planet.”

17 responses

    1. Thank you
      I Will start everyday from now on with your words aligned deep within my heart and soul With great gratitude and rejoys in your touching merits
      Love you

  1. Thank you so much Steve NobelI am blessed by your beautiful wisdom ✨✨✨❤️❤️

  2. Wow. What beauty in the video. I saw the rainbow while watering my plants this morning and a very much needed meditation namaste and thank you ❤️ Will repeat it

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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