5D Major Arcana Course

Higher Light Decree: Moving Beyond All 3D-4D Limits.

“I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team of the highest light to be present during this decree of intent. I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team of the highest light in spirit to bring to resolution anything that resonates with any form of limitation, whether internal or external that no longer serves my path of growth and ascension……


I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to illuminate and assist me on my journey from darkness to light. I call upon all helpful beings at this time to lift me from the 3D timeline of duality, suffering, struggle and limitation to the new 5D timeline of spiritual awakening, growth through joy/freedom and also unity consciousness.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to neutralise any and all dark agendas on the planet that seek to restrict my freedom or interfere with the sanctity of my physical body and energy fields. I renounce all adherence to all illuminati agendas and programs that seek to limit and control the free sovereign will of the human collective.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit for a release of all obligation to adhere to societal laws or guidelines that go against my sovereign will, my sovereign energy, my sovereign mission or the sanctity of my body. A release from any and all societal laws or guidelines that seek to interfere or restrict my freedom of self-expression.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to revoke any agreements, contracts, promises or vows that generate or support limitation or restriction in any shape or form.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to clear and purify all pathways of ancient karma concerning limitation. Anything that inhibits my experience of total freedom in all of its forms and in all areas of my life from the earthly to the spiritual. To release all slavery or prostitution programming from other lifetimes.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to purify and release with love any and all family patterns and dynamics that seek to limit or suppress me in any way. I ask that all limiting programming originating from my bloodlines be released and cleared from my energy fields and reality. Any bloodline programming of I must, I have to, I am obliged to, I am forced to, I am shamed into, I am prohibited from doing or experiencing. I ask that my bloodlines be purified and restored of all and any limiting programming. And be restored to its original vibration and template of 5D freedom.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to assist me in purifying and upgrading my ego. I revoke all and any old stories meanings, beliefs and identification that hooks me into old limiting patterns. I ask for a clearing of any and all beliefs that the 3D Matrix can limit me in any way. I ask for a clearing of any and all self-sabotage or self-limitation programming. Release all discordant energies and imprints with light and love.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to clear all imprinting of anxiety, fear, self-doubt, guilt, blame or shame that seeks to restrict my experience of freedom in any of its myriad forms. Clear any stories or beliefs that it is not safe to be free in my reality.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to release all sexual energy or sexual cordings or sexual projections that keep me limited in any way.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to release all programming that inhibits my sense of belonging and worth here on the earth-plane. To release anything that inhibits my natural sense of courage and power to express my true nature. To release anything that inhibits my authentic voice.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to clear all mental limitations. Anywhere I have accepted anything less than my full sovereign right as a child of the Universe to thrive and live happily on the earth.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to release all trauma, all stress that I have experienced or absorbed from others. To release anything that binds me to a lower expression of my true self.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to clear all scarcity programming, all limitations imposed by 3D control systems including all financial systems.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to assist me in releasing all unconscious resistance to total freedom now. Clear any agreements to grow through limitation. I now choose to grow through the experience of freedom in all areas of my life. I ask that my unconscious mind be aligned with the highest vibration and possibility of 5D freedom.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to clear and purify any interference from lower astral forces that seek to limit my freedom or oppose me moving forward along my chosen path of evolution and joyful growth. May all pathways and timelines be cleared and aligned with the highest vibration and possibility of 5D freedom.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to clear and purify all lower frequencies and interfering energies affecting my Spirit including any and all from social media. Clear all virtual platforms of any and all interference that seeks to drain, divert or harvest my energy or my light in any way.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to release all false light teachers, all false light groups and all false light healers. To release all false light beings in my reality and in the lower astral and lower galactic worlds.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to clear all limitations in my being to enable full unity consciousness. A full connection with all helpful forces in the Universe that are aiding my path of ascension.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to support me in following my heartfelt dreams.

To expand my sense of playfulness and spontaneity.

To raise my frequency to the highest spectrum of growth through joy and unlimited freedom.

To expand the number of win/win situations I can create and co-create. To expand my vision for a bright and beautiful future. To allow me to see along the 5D timeline to the full fruition of the New Earth.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team in Spirit to open my reality now to a higher flow of abundance, love, joy, growth and miraculous possibilities.

I declare my full sovereignty of light and power and my intention for total and absolute freedom in this time of transition. I am a free Spirit in this world. As I grant myself this freedom I am able to grant the same to all other living beings on the planet.

I declare that as I create my reality, as I co-create my reality with the helpful forces in the Universe in this time, I choose to attract, allow, create experiences that are aligned with expansion, liberation, freedom and growth through joy.

And it is so.”

16 responses

  1. You and your fabulous Team of Love and Light do an amazing job. Thanks to you and those with you. Be beautifully blessed and happy in all things, always. Thank you

    1. Thank you for your help in this matter and I hope to become useful in pursuing this collected endeavors for higher Truth and I will do my best for the better meant of All beings

  2. Thank you for sharing this. So important at this time and ties up mamy areas I have been working through and on individually into a nice unified decree. ❤

    1. Thank you so much Steven! Reading your words and listening to your beautiful and powerful meditations, I feel every word speaks my truth, as if it echoes the message of my soul exactly, perfectly and powerfully. I have no doubt that your words are coming from a state of unity consciousness! God bless you ❣️

  3. Steven. Forgive me for being so informal. Thank you so much for this. I am repeating this fully ….?i think for a few more days when I have finished my meditation. I feel change is coming. A unity that is truly inspiring… peace for all. Thank you so much for your guidance, your commitment to this journey. My eternal thanks. Christina

  4. Wow, Steve.

    This is truly powerful. Blocks were released & the Light increased. This was especially dramatic towards the end.

    With Gratitude & Blessings

  5. I asked permission first if I could say this statement on their behalf as English wasn’t first language. Then before each I am statement I stated their name and connected energetically to their higher self.. I just felt guided to do this… That it was not in any way interfering with their sovereignty…. What are your thoughts. The permission fromon them was given freely to me with love….I felt deeply this statement should be made today on 21st June 2020…. Your thoughts please

  6. It’s a blessed special time with this solar eclipse,band planetary alignment….. I felt guided to repeat this declaration of sovereignty… The young men who are my sons, plus a couple of friends who are not very strong in English. I asked their permission if I may speak outloud the statement on their behalf, and after each I am, I spoke their name and connected energetically with their higher selves. I did this for each person. Each person gave me permission in sweetest most loving, trustimg way. It was so touching and beautiful… My heart was….. It’s precious. I just felt that at this time, the more souls who declared sovereignty over their life, it is blessing us all. I trust that this was right and needed. I would appreciate your opinion in this

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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