In this remastered meditation we call upon Universal Energy and our Family of Light, to invoke and release a flow of miracles in our reality.
Miracle Consciousness is the state of a soul that has stabilised within 5th Level Density. In the 3D Matrix miracles are a rarity and when they occur, they are deemed to be due to Divine Providence. As the light is ascending the possibility of mastery is being birthed on the earth-plane. This mastery involved taking responsibility for the reality we are allowing, attracting and creating around us. Many Starseeds have incarnated within dense 3D Bloodlines and have inherited limiting and painful stories that block fluidity of movement and manifestation on the earth-plane. Similarly, many Starseeds have incarnated within the 3D Matrix over a number of lifetimes and have been conditioned and imprinted into stories that lead to stuckness, limitation, powerlessness and stagnation. This meditation seeks to neutralise all stuckness and release the magic within your reality.
13 responses
What a wonderful meditation, I am grateful and I thank you. Namasté
Wow says Dec 6 2020 as date u posted!
Thank you so much Steve and team of light. I am grateful for so many things, and now your page of blessings. Be blessed today and always.
Always touched by your gracious divinity, thank you
Wonderful, thank you. Namaste
Thank you and blessings to all.
I’m feeling so much better now!! Thank you! I’m going to write out that “I am a thousand percent…” and read it daily.
Thank you, Steve. I closed my eyes and had to lay down. I felt the world spinning around me like I was on some carnival ride. Truly incredible and I can’t thank you enough!!! Thank you! Thank you.
Thank you , it’s a miracle to have you on earth to help us to find the right words at the right moment to walk in beauty on our miracle life. You are yourself an angel.
Thank you Steve…this was so on time. Peace and Blessings
Thank You dear Starseed Brother for this beautiful miracle meditation. I feel so rich to have you in my life Starseed Family
Oh my! This was a very powerful meditation for me. Years ago, at the very start of my search for a better way I had a very strong sense of the words ‘There must be more to life than this!’ at the base of my skull….these words kept me going to escape a terrible relationship…and so started my journey! Towards the end of this meditation your words “I am 1000% capable, worthy…..were like a sign bathed in light that placed themselves in the same spot at the back of my head and joined the silver white and golden white lingo running through my body. Wonderful!
Thank you x
Thank you Steve for this miraculous Meditation. Wow so much energy work on my energy field was done during this meditation. Thank you All Family Starseeds for your Love. I Bless you All.