5D Major Arcana Course

Affirmations: I Am Radiant Health. I Am a Being of Light. Every Cell in my Body Radiates Light.


Why Use Affirmations…

Affirmations are one tried and tested way we can reprogramme our unconscious mind with new possibilities. Affirmations can raise the level of our thinking which in turn increases certain feel-good hormones.

This remastered track was originally created July 2018.

“I am a being of light. I am healthy. I am in divine alignment with my body. I am spirit housed temporarily within a physical body of bone, blood, organs and cells, this body is the sacred temple for my innermost soul, I have chosen this precious gift of physical life and I choose this gift of life each and every day. I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I am here on the earth-plane with a mission and that mission requires radiant health. Therefore, I focus on thoughts of radiant health. I invite feelings of radiant health. I am radiant health……..”

This body is Sacred…

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. This body is sacred. All its functions are sacred. I know my body is a temple for my divine light. This body is created from the element of earth. My blood is nourished by the element of water. With each breath I breathe in the vital element of air. The element of fire nourishes my nervous system. Pure prana flows through all the channels of my body. I am one with the earth and the earth nourishes and supports my life.
I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. My body is vital. My body is connected to the 5D Crystalline Grid of the Earth. From this grid it draws strength and nourishment. I release all cords, connections and attachments to the old outgoing earth grid. I release all attachment to the karma contained therein. I dissolve all old karma that resides anywhere in my being with ultra violet fire.

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. On this path there is no need for suffering, for this is a sign of misunderstanding the true gift and purpose of life. There is no need for sacrifice, for rescuing another or seeking to save another by taking on their low energy. For I know this achieves nothing and only blocks my ability to live a radiantly healthy life. Disease or ill heath are manifestations of living in the 3D Matrix of fear and separation consciousness. I release all anxiety and fear I have taken on from individuals, groups, systems or from my own bloodline. There is no fear since I am connected to the light of source, I am replenished by source light. I have the ability to extract lower frequency energies from my body. As I drain away lower energies I ask my soul to replace these with my own authentic light.
I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. And I know discomfort sometimes comes when my body is rebalancing. In those times I trust my body and its capacity to restore balance and good health. I love and support my body. I send love to the bones, blood, organs and cells of my body.

I Enjoy Radiant Energy from Within. ..

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I enjoy radiant energy from within. There is a great power that resides in this body. I have a spirit, mind and body that radiate constant peace. My mind is focused on healing my body. My body quickly recovers from lower frequency illnesses. My body knows how to maintain high frequency health. My body is naturally healthy and whole.
I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. I know that I create my reality. My thoughts are creative. My feelings are creative. My words are creative. My choices and intentions are creative. I use all these powers wisely to create radiant health as I walk along the path of this earth-walk.

I Am Sovereign in this Body. ..

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I am free from all low frequency energies. I am in the 3D world but not of this 3D world. I am a being of higher consciousness. I banish all messages through low consciousness media or from low consciousness corporate interests that wish to promote ill-health. I banish all the shadows, distractions, illusions and disinformation of this world. I am sovereign in this body. My word is law in my Universe. I declare radiant health now and for all time.

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. I am one with the all-embracing light of Source energy. I am one with the all-embracing love of Source energy. In this light, in this connection, I banish all fear of illness. In this light, in this connection, I banish all thoughts that negatively impact the health of my body. I banish all energies from the bloodline that are less than radiant health. I dissolve all agreements, contracts, karmic debts that lead to anything less than radiant health. Within Unity consciousness there is no division, nothing to fear, nothing that separates me from radiant health.

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. I know the power of laughter, joy, and fun can increase my emotional vitality and ability to enjoy radiant health. I know the power of play and creativity helps enhance my mental agility and vitality. I know the power of joyful exercise keeps my physical body happy and healthy.

Angelic Forces Protect Me…

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. Angelic forces of light guide and protect me. In this light I am whole, I am radiant. In this light the way is open, the way of radiant health is held in a template of light. I am one with the power of light that moves through all living beings. I am one with the power of love that moves through all of life.

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. I ask that the elemental templates of my bloodlines, mother-line and father-line, be restored to the highest light back seven generations. I ask these lines be moved from the old karmic earth grid to the new 5d crystalline grid of the earth. I give permission for any elemental energies uncomfortable with this shift to leave and return to the matrix of the earth. I invite higher elemental forces from the 5D crystalline grid to come and hold the integrity of both bloodlines.

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. As I am held in light I am grateful for this body. A great peace flows through my body, mind and soul. I focus on thoughts of radiant health. I invite feelings of radiant health. I am radiant health.
I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I am grateful to be alive. It is a great joy and pleasure to live this wonderful day. I am surrounded by people who encourage radiant health. I focus on thoughts of radiant health. I invite feelings of radiant health. I am radiant health.

My Body Radiates Light…

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. My mind is positive and healthy. My body is strong. I am pain-free and completely in sync with life. I focus on thoughts of radiant health. I invite feelings of radiant health. I am radiant health.
I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I banish all thoughts and beliefs in the necessity of ill-health. I banish all beliefs that ill-health has to be present in my life. I focus on thoughts of well being and radiant health. It is as if the radiance of the sun shines from every cell of this magnificent physical vehicle.

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. Every part of my body manages its tasks easily and naturally. All my choices manifest perfect health. I honour my body by trusting the signals that it sends me. I love every cell of my body. I take loving care of my body now. Every day I am healthier and stronger. I am radiant health.

I Am Naturally Healthy…

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I make healthy choices. I am naturally healthy. I take care of my body. My immune system is strong. I heal quickly. I wake up feeling refreshed. I have an abundance of energy.
I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. I am free from stress. I take time each day to relieve my stress. Feeling calm and relaxed is normal. My body is naturally relaxed. I find time for myself each day to relax and rejuvenate. I know how to create a balance between work, rest and play. Being at peace is my natural state. I release all tension from my mind and body. Unwinding at the end of each day increases my well-being.

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I have vibrant health. I have a positive attitude towards my health. I am radiant health.

7 responses

  1. Is it possible to able to read the whole text for this and all the other affirmation (not just the part of it)?
    Thank you 🙂

    1. I am a being of light. I am healthy. I am in divine alignment with my body.
      I am spirit housed temporarily within a physical body of bone, blood, organs and cells, this body is the sacred temple for my innermost soul, I have chosen this precious gift of physical life and I choose this gift of life each and every day.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I am here on the earth-plane with a mission and that mission requires radiant health. Therefore, I focus on thoughts of radiant health. I invite feelings of radiant health. I am radiant health.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. This body is sacred. All its functions are sacred. I know my body is a temple for my divine light. This body is created from the element of earth. My blood is nourished by the element of water. With each breath I breathe in the vital element of air. The element of fire nourishes my nervous system. Pure prana flows through all the channels of my body. I am one with the earth and the earth nourishes and supports my life.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. My body is vital. My body is connected to the 5D Crystalline Grid of the Earth. From this grid it draws strength and nourishment. I release all cords, connections and attachments to the old outgoing earth grid. I release all attachment to the karma contained therein. I dissolve all old karma that resides anywhere in my being with ultra violet fire.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. On this path there is no need for suffering, for this is a sign of misunderstanding the true gift and purpose of life. There is no need for sacrifice, for rescuing another or seeking to save another by taking on their low energy. For I know this achieves nothing and only blocks my ability to live a radiantly healthy life. Disease or ill heath are manifestations of living in the 3D Matrix of fear and separation consciousness. I release all anxiety and fear I have taken on from individuals, groups, systems or from my own bloodline. There is no fear since I am connected to the light of source, I am replenished by source light. I have the ability to extract lower frequency energies from my body. As I drain away lower energies I ask my soul to replace these with my own authentic light.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. And I know discomfort sometimes comes when my body is rebalancing. In those times I trust my body and its capacity to restore balance and good health. I love and support my body. I send love to the bones, blood, organs and cells of my body.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I enjoy radiant energy from within. There is a great power that resides in this body. I have a spirit, mind and body that radiate constant peace. My mind is focused on healing my body. My body quickly recovers from lower frequency illnesses. My body knows how to maintain high frequency health. My body is naturally healthy and whole.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. I know that I create my reality. My thoughts are creative. My feelings are creative. My words are creative. My choices and intentions are creative. I use all these powers wisely to create radiant health as I walk along the path of this earth-walk.

      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I am free from all low frequency energies. I am in the 3D world but not of this 3D world. I am a being of higher consciousness. I banish all messages through low consciousness media or from low consciousness corporate interests that wish to promote ill-health. I banish all the shadows, distractions, illusions and disinformation of this world. I am sovereign in this body. My word is law in my Universe. I declare radiant health now and for all time.

      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. I am one with the all-embracing light of Source energy. I am one with the all-embracing love of Source energy. In this light, in this connection, I banish all fear of illness. In this light, in this connection, I banish all thoughts that negatively impact the health of my body. I banish all energies from the bloodline that are less than radiant health. I dissolve all agreements, contracts, karmic debts that lead to anything less than radiant health. Within Unity consciousness there is no division, nothing to fear, nothing that separates me from radiant health.

      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. I know the power of laughter, joy, and fun can increase my emotional vitality and ability to enjoy radiant health. I know the power of play and creativity helps enhance my mental agility and vitality. I know the power of joyful exercise keeps my physical body happy and healthy.

      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. Angelic forces of light guide and protect me. In this light I am whole, I am radiant. In this light the way is open, the way of radiant health is held in a template of light. I am one with the power of light that moves through all living beings. I am one with the power of love that moves through all of life.

      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. I ask that the elemental templates of my bloodlines, mother-line and father-line, be restored to the highest light back seven generations. I ask these lines be moved from the old karmic earth grid to the new 5d crystalline grid of the earth. I give permission for any elemental energies uncomfortable with this shift to leave and return to the matrix of the earth. I invite higher elemental forces from the 5D crystalline grid to come and hold the integrity of both bloodlines.

      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. As I am held in light I am grateful for this body. A great peace flows through my body, mind and soul. I focus on thoughts of radiant health. I invite feelings of radiant health. I am radiant health.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I am grateful to be alive. It is a great joy and pleasure to live this wonderful day. I am surrounded by people who encourage radiant health. I focus on thoughts of radiant health. I invite feelings of radiant health. I am radiant health.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. My mind is positive and healthy. My body is strong. I am pain-free and completely in sync with life. I focus on thoughts of radiant health. I invite feelings of radiant health. I am radiant health.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I banish all thoughts and beliefs in the necessity of ill-health. I banish all beliefs that ill-health has to be present in my life. I focus on thoughts of well being and radiant health. It is as if the radiance of the sun shines from every cell of this magnificent physical vehicle.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. Every part of my body manages its tasks easily and naturally. All my choices manifest perfect health. I honour my body by trusting the signals that it sends me. I love every cell of my body. I take loving care of my body now. Every day I am healthier and stronger. I am radiant health.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I make healthy choices. I am naturally healthy. I take care of my body. My immune system is strong. I heal quickly. I wake up feeling refreshed. I have an abundance of energy.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. I am free from stress. I take time each day to relieve my stress. Feeling calm and relaxed is normal. My body is naturally relaxed. I find time for myself each day to relax and rejuvenate. I know how to create a balance between work, rest and play. Being at peace is my natural state. I release all tension from my mind and body. Unwinding at the end of each day increases my well-being.
      I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I have vibrant health. I have a positive attitude towards my health. I am radiant health.

  2. Have you ever consiԁerеd publishing an e-book or guest authoring on other blogs?
    I have a blog centered on the same ideas you discuss and would love to
    have you share some storieѕ/informatiⲟn. I know my ѕubscribers would enjoʏ your work.
    If you’re even remotely interеsted, feel free to shoot me an email.

  3. Thank you Steve, I came across the one from 2018 about a month ago and I love it and listen to it nearly every day. It is so powerful. thank you so much for the text, I would like to read aloud with you when I’m listening so its more powerful for me.

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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