A Prayer to the Lost…
This prayer is a call upon all beings of light who are further ahead on the path of awakening to assist all souls on the path of evolution through all dimensions and realms who have lost their way, who have strayed from the true path, who feel disconnected from the light. This is a prayer and a call upon Universal support and assistance for all lost souls who are open and ready, to any degree, to step out of darkness towards the light of Unity Consciousness.
I Call Upon Source Energy…
I call upon Source Energy. I call upon my Higher Self and Team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness this decree. I call on Archangel Michael and all angels working with this being to be present during this decree. I call on Archangel Metatron from the Great Central Sun and all angels working with that being to be present during this decree.
I call on my Team in Spirit to create a triple shield of ultraviolet fire around my energy field. I call upon the Ascension Grid, on Christ Consciousness and on the Crystalline Grid of Gaia for support during this decree.
I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, along with all Angelic assistance and Star Brothers and Sisters support in the Universe to assist me in this prayer for all souls who are lost and wandering in darkness and density.
Beings of Light Who are Further Ahead on the Path…
I call upon all beings of light who are further ahead on the path of awakening to assist all souls on the path of evolution through all dimensions and realms who have lost their way, who have strayed from the true path, who feel disconnected from the light. I call upon Universal support and assistance to shine a light to all those who are open and ready, to any degree, for assistance, guidance, love, support, and healing.
In all dimensions and realities there are guides who assist others in shining a light out of darkness. For no soul is abandoned. All souls eventually find their way back to the Beloved Source Energy.
To All Souls who feel Lost…
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of extreme pain and suffering. May they find love, healing and support.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of conflict, violence, and war. May they find peace, forgiveness and reconciliation.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of anger and rage. May they find serenity and self-forgiveness.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of anxiety and fear. May they find the light of peace and courage.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of shame. May they find the light of divine healing.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of isolation, rejection, betrayal, disempowerment of any kind. May they find their true way to the path of light once more.
To all souls lost and wandering in the darkness and density of guilt and self-blame. May they find inner peace and clarity.
To all souls lost and wandering in the darkness and density of greed for material wealth and possessions. May they find a reconnection to the abundant flow within the Universe.
To all souls lost and wandering in the darkness and density of grasping for social status, fame, and the constant need for adoration. May they find a reconnection to light within their being and the light in all other beings.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of addiction. May they find a deep healing of the wounds that create such maladies and painful distractions.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of negative ego programming. May they find the loving touch of their Higher Selves and Angels of Light.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of unhappy, co-dependent relationships. May they find their true soul family.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the karmic darkness and density of past mistakes. May they find a deep karmic clearing and rebalancing.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of psychic interference and psychic attack. May they find a shield of light and a true sanctuary of light and love within their being.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of earthbound entity attachments. May they find a real release.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of dark, demonic entity attachments. May they find a deep clearing and deep release.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of following false light beings. May they find true discernment and real wisdom.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of the glamour of black magic. May they know the karmic consequences of this folly and more quickly mend their ways.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of being bound to Satanic, demonic, Luciferian beings, groups and energies. May they find respite from all interference and find the true heart of the Divine once more.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of being bound to dark ET entities and dark ET races. May they find a deep healing, release and reconnection to their true Stellar roots.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of low vibration. May they find a way to the higher realms of light.
To all souls who feel lost and wandering in the darkness and density of the lower astral realms. May they find the light to guide them out of darkness.
Sending Assistance….
I call upon Source Energy. I call upon my Higher Self and Team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to send whatever assistance is possible to all souls who are ready to begin to step out of the darkness and density of the lower worlds. May they be assisted to face what needs to be faced, to experience what needs to be experienced, to learn what needs to be learnt, in order to know they are not alone, they are not forgotten, they are not unloved. May this assistance be sent through all minds, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and all realities.
I call upon all beings of light who are further ahead on the path of awakening to assist all souls on the path of evolutions through all dimensions and realms who have lost their way, who have strayed from the true path, who feel disconnected from the light. I call upon Universal support and assistance to shine a bright light to all those who are open and ready, to any degree, for assistance, guidance, love, support, healing.
5 responses
Thank you, this is beautiful. It’s been a long time since I listened to one of your recordings. Glad to have found you again. <3
I love you! Thank you Steve!
Thank you!!!
Dearest precious Steve
Balm for the masses. Infinite appreciation for You, I and All That Is. One we are.
Healing poetry, Steve. You are such a gift to humankind. Remarkable.
In love and appreciation,