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Affirmations: I Am a Free Sovereign Being. I Activate the Full Power and Resonance of My Being.


Affirmations are a great way to reprogram your unconscious mind…

We create our reality is the principle that helps us shift from 3D through 4D to 5D. Affirmations are a great way to reprogram your unconscious mind and shift your experience of reality. This is a remastered track originally uploaded August 2019.

I Am a Free Sovereign Being…

“I Am a Free Sovereign Being. I Activate the Full Power and Resonance of My Being. I am a vast Being of Light, not limited by time or space. I am connected to the great Web of Life. My consciousness is spacious, I am expanding beyond all limits.

I Am a Free Sovereign Being. I own my power; I own my light. In this time of ascension, I am called to move beyond all chaos on the earth-plane. I do this through recognising my true nature as expansive light. I am done wasting my time with beings or situations that are bound by limitation and suffering those who do not choose to live in the light.

I Am a Free Sovereign Being. I own my power; I own my light. I have grown within the limits of this world but now I am done with all limitations. I am waking up from the illusions and deceptions of this 3D World. All limits are illusionary. I am remembering my true nature, my true nature is light, my true nature in spaciousness, I remember my true connection to God/Goddess All That All. With every breath I remember my true nature as expansive light, as expansive love, as expansive joy.

I own my power; I own my light…

I Am a Free Sovereign Being. I own my power; I own my light. In each and every situation I ask my Higher Self and all higher frequency beings working with me to assist me in remembering my connection to the light. As a free sovereign being I ask for a divine dispensation to dissolve anything in my energy fields that is working against my awakening, against my authentic being, against my soul mission.

I Am a Free Sovereign Being. I own my light. I own my power. I Am Light, I Am Love, I Am Freedom. My mind is fluid light. Every thought is infused with the light and bliss of my soul. All beliefs are being upgraded in the light of love. All stories are being upgraded into higher frequencies of possibility. My mind is soaring beyond all limits imposed by the matrix. I dissolve all old limiting agreements and rules. I no longer play the binding game of limitation.

I Am Light, I Am Love, I Am Freedom…

I Am a Free Sovereign Being. I own my power; I own my light. I Am Light, I Am Love, I Am Freedom. My heart is fluid expansive light, my heart is expanding beyond all bindings. I dissolve anything binding my heart to conflict or drama, limitation in any form. Love does not seek to bind another. I release all bindings from my blood family and my soul family. I grant my heart the gift of freedom. I release all old energies within my heart that generates any sense of limitation.

I Am a Free Sovereign Being. I own my power; I own my light. I Am Light, I Am Love, I Am Freedom. My body is the sacred temple of the bright flame of my Spirit. As the ascension process unfolds more of my light is downloaded into the body. My hormonal system is being upgraded to hold this increase in light. My digestive system is being upgraded to hold this increase in light. My nervous system is being upgraded to hold this increase in light. My reproductive system is being upgraded to hold this increase in light.

My chakra system is now being upgraded to hold more light…

I Am a Free Sovereign Being. I own my power; I own my light. I Am Light, I Am Love, I Am Freedom. My chakra system is now being upgraded to hold more light.

In my base I am safe, secure and stable, I am deeply rooted within myself, I have a right to be here, I am connected to my body. My body is holy ground.

In my sacral I own my creativity, my emotional power and my sexual energy, I have a right to feel pleasure, I allow myself to feel pleasure. I love all aspects of my physical body. Life is joy. Life is flow.

In my solar plexus I own my power, my courage, my boldness, my tenacity, I have a right to be powerful, I am the architect and the script writer of my life.

In my heart I forgive myself and others, I feel at one with the kingdoms of nature, I have a right to be here, to love and be loved, I am balanced, I am part of a great network of Starseeds across the planet.

In my throat I activate the full resonance of my voice, I have a voice that needs to be heard, I am authentic, I live with integrity, I communicate my thoughts and feelings easily. I share my wisdom and insights with others. I am truth.

In my third eye I have a right to see deeply into the nature of my reality, I am connected to my inner guidance, I am connected to the higher wisdom within my Higher Self, I am a clear and pure channel for inspiration.

In my crown I am one with the Universe, I have a right to know and experience my true nature as a Divine Child of the universe. I am one with my Infinite Multidimensional Self. I am Infinity.

I Am a Free Sovereign Being. I activate the full power and resonance of my being.”

16 responses

  1. This is fantabulous! 24 hours before I listened to this I felt an incredible strength rise in me. I felt compelled to announce to the universe that I was through with all the limitations which have clouded my life. I asked my team of highest light and resonance to help me with this and to provide more tangible support and guidance. And then this appeared. Perfect. Thank you!!!

    1. I Am strength… i claim that one, thank you
      I LOVE mother Earth I Am restoring her heart every day I AM loving her

    2. I love you Steve for the beautiful being you are that shares your divine essence with all that are willing to speak the powerful words of wisdom and guidance that comes from deep within you from the One Divine Infinite Source!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! We are Blessed to have you here inspiring us as we awaken and ascend!!

  2. I AM free. I Am a Free Sovereign Being I Am Freedom. I Am Love. I Am New Earth restored, vibrant, Alive, pulsating

    As a free sovereign being I ask for a divine dispensation to dissolve anything in my energy fields that is working against me. I ask for and invoke assistance for an invincible shield to remove darks being from me. Perfect timing as i just wrote down and ready to ritual/release the names of being that have been interfering with my energy body

  3. Thank you very much , You are so generous to share your beautiful wisdom with us. All my gratitude to wisper the words of Love , alignment and integrity to my heart , you make me feel strong within my womb.

  4. I was guided to look up the word sovereign online. I am a sovereign being was what I heard in my spirit. After that the search engine brought up your sight as well as others on the first page. I felt compelled to open your link. Such a timely appearance during this Era of unrest and massive awakenings. A new earth is clearly being built. I love this written message and powerful words Steve, thank you for taking the time to share it by writing it and also recording it. Your voice aligns our ear with your high frequency. What a gift it is to hear those words which unite us ascended light beings in the spaciousness of all and all and all possibilities. With gratitude and love.

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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