Implant-Device Removal Meditation: Neutralising 4D Interference Technologies.
This Transmission… Originally created November 2019, it was remastered May 2023. 4D Etheric Implants…. Etheric implants are non-physical devices that can be found planted into our energy body. Implants-devices operate within the 4th Dimension. (There are positive implants but the focus here is on the negative ones.) Implants-devices are often designed to keep us asleep […]
The Rainbow Bridge Transmission: Upgrade Your Chakra System to 5D.
We are at a point where the timelines are splitting. In this transmission you will learn to unhook from the old karmic earth grid and more fully connect to the new ascending crystalline 5D grid. This transmission will also help you connect more deeply with the Christ Grid and open to the new 5D chakra system waiting to be birthed inside of you. This transmission will help Starseeds prepare for the coming energy shifts in 2018.