The Power of Affirmations…
I am now directly addressing your unconscious mind, the part of you that never sleeps, the part of you that is always listening to the thoughts you think, the words you speak, the part of you that is always aware of the choices you make, the part that is right there with you in every action you take.
Intuition and This Time of Ascension…
“I am here now at this incredible moment on the earth-plane. I am here at this time of ascension as the planet shifts from an old age of darkness to a new age of light. I am here for a reason. I am a spiritual being, a being of light. I move through the chaos of this world guided by my internal guidance system, this spiritual GPS that always gently points the way. The way around obstacles, the way towards my highest destiny. This inner guidance system is a great gift at this time and I choose to use this gift. I am now activating the full power of my intuition….”
Intuition is an Innate Gift We All Possess…
Intuition is a natural gift I possess. Intuition is a gift that every Starseed possesses. I acknowledge and appreciate this precious gift. This gift allows me to experience greater degrees of ease, grace and joy in my life. I choose to engage my intuition. I am intuitive, I am open, I am connected, I am discerning, I am guided, I listen to the whispers, the whispers that guide me, for my intuition is always speaking to me, in my night dreams, in my waking state. The voice of intuition is ever whispering. The language of intuition is love. And as I tune into this language of love, I become aware of the many signs, the many signs from the Universe that point the way, the true way through times of chaos and confusion, the true way that leads easily and gracefully towards my dreams, and the dreams of my soul.
At the centre of my being is the unlimited potential of the Universe. I hear the whispers of my soul, I listen and follow the wisdom I receive, I tune in and trust this guidance each and every day. Even though I am intimately connected with my Higher Self I choose to meditate daily, to take time for silence, in order to activate my intuition.
Quiet the Mind….
I easily quiet mind chatter to allow my intuition to speak. I let go of all concerns, concerns about getting it right, concerns are of the mind and not of my deep self. Intuition is a gentle impulse, a gentle feeling, a gentle nudge, a gentle voice. This voice may speak through feelings and sensations in the body, images in the mind, gentle affirming thoughts, an instant knowing. Intuition can come to me in so many ways as I go about my daily life.
Trust Your Intuition…
I trust and act on my intuition. The more I trust and act on my intuition the stronger it becomes. I am aware of all the subtle feelings that move through me throughout the day. Feelings of openness, expansion, attraction, lightness. Feelings of not feeling open, contraction, repulsion, heaviness. Each and every one is a message, a communication from my body, a communication from my Higher Self and guides through my body. I heed all such messages. I am now activating the full power of my intuition.
Intuition is a Gentle Voice…
Intuition is a natural gift I possess. Intuition is a gift that every Starseed possesses. I acknowledge and appreciate this precious gift. This gift allows me to experience greater degrees of ease, grace and joy in my life. I choose to engage my intuition. I am intuitive, I am open, I am connected, I am discerning, I am guided, I listen to the whispers, the whispers that guide me, for my intuition is always speaking to me, in my night dreams, in my waking state. The voice of intuition is ever whispering. The language of intuition is love. And as I tune into this language of love, I become aware of the many signs, the many signs from the Universe that point the way, the true way through times of chaos and confusion, the true way that lead easily and gracefully towards my dreams, and the dreams of my soul.
Intuition Makes Everything Easier…
Intuition is a gift that allows me to experience more flow, that allows things to become easier, easier than they were before, before the time I truly listened to my intuition. Now, intuition is a new and wonderful ally to my logical mind. As I combine intuition and logic, I open to a new level pure genius within me. Pure genius allows me to experience even more success in my daily life. I am successful in all my endeavours when guided by intuition, when guided by the Universal Force within. I am now activating the full power of my intuition.
The Light of Awareness…
Intuition is a cleansing power. Intuition clears all confusion making everything clear. Intuition is a bright light that reveals everything in the shadows. Nothing can hide from the light, the light of awareness, the light of higher wisdom. And as I see what was hidden, hidden from my logical mind, I can make new choices that align me with my highest destiny, my true path, the path that is open for me now. I am now activating the full power of my intuition.
Intuition and Grace…
Intuition points the way and gently warns me when the way ahead is blocked. Intuition helps me find the most graceful diversions and detours that are in line with my soul’s highest purpose. Intuition is an enabler, enabling me to be more decisive to simply know what to do. And as I follow my intuition I save time, for time is a valuable resource, and since there is so much to do, so much to experience, I choose to use my time well in this one precious life. I am now activating the full power of my intuition.
Stay Open…
Intuition is a natural gift I possess. Intuition is a gift that every Starseed possesses. I acknowledge and appreciate this precious gift. This gift allows me to experience greater degrees of ease, grace and joy in my life. I choose to engage my intuition. I am intuitive, I am open, I am connected, I am discerning, I am guided, I listen to the whispers, the whispers that guide me, for my intuition is always speaking to me, in my night dreams, in my waking state. The voice of intuition is ever whispering. The language of intuition is love. And as I tune into this language of love, I become aware of the many signs, the many signs from the Universe that point the way, the true way through times of chaos and confusion, the true way that lead easily and gracefully towards my dreams, and the dreams of my soul.
Intuition and Choices…
Every moment of my life is full of choices. I always have the freedom to choose. Intuition helps me to see all the choices available. I pause and heed my intuition before making any decision in my life. Intuition helps me make a higher choice, intuition helps me see new choices. Now, I make choices that support my wellbeing and happiness, that support my true sense of self-worth, that support my growing abundance in this world. I am now activating the full power of my intuition.
The more I trust and act on my intuition the stronger it gets, for it points the true way. I am intuitive now, I am insightful now. Intuition is a signpost to my highest truth. Intuition points the way, the graceful way, the way forward, the way that is open, open to me at this time. I am now activating the full power of my intuition.
The Next Step is Always Obvious…
I trust and follow my inner guidance now. As I follow my inner guidance the next step is always obvious. I do not have to think, I just know, know the next step, know the way, now the way is completely visible to my conscious mind. I am now activating the full power of my intuition.
Intuition opens new doors, new doors that opens new choices, and, in this way, I am the architect of my life. I am the architect of both the structure and content of my life. My intuition helps me release what needs to be released, alter what needs to be altered, redesign what needs to be redesigned, build anew what needs to be created anew. I am now activating the full power of my intuition.
There are Signs…
Intuition is a natural gift I possess. Intuition is a gift that every Starseed possesses. I acknowledge and appreciate this precious gift. This gift allows me to experience greater degrees of ease, grace and joy in my life. I choose to engage my intuition. I am intuitive, I am open, I am connected, I am discerning, I am guided, I listen to the whispers, the whispers that guide me, for my intuition is always speaking to me, in my night dreams, in my waking state. The voice of intuition is ever whispering. The language of intuition is love. And as I tune into this language of love, I become aware of the many signs, the many signs from the Universe that point the way, the true way through times of chaos and confusion, the true way that lead easily and gracefully towards my dreams, and the dreams of my soul.
The Language of Intuition…
The language of intuition is possibility, for it is the language of my Higher Self. My heart and mind are open to this language, this language of possibility, this language of love. In this communication I feel safe, accepted, held, and guided. I am guided in my every step, each step forms part of a larger journey, and that journey is the one I must take, the journey that was written before my birth. There are important experiences I agreed to have, important soul connections I agreed to make, important karmic situations I agreed to complete. I am assisted in all of these by my innate intuition, my innate guiding system. I am now activating the full power of my intuition.
Intuition is a Hotline to the Divine…
Now, I am a clear and open channel for the light. The light that illuminates the way. The light of the Divine, for I Am a spark of the Divine, I am a bright being of light on this ascending earth-plane. I am a child of the Universe; I am an instrument of the Universal Spirit. I am directly connected to Infinite Intelligence, this Infinite Intelligence is within me and also all around me. I am now activating the full power of my intuition.
The Voice of Spirit….
I am in tune with the I Am Presence of God/Goddess All That Is within me. I am one with the voice of Spirit, the inner guiding force within, the communication from my Higher Self. I am one with my Higher Self, An eternal link connects me to my Higher Self. All the energies of the universe work with me, directing me in ways my conscious mind cannot imagine. I am now activating the full power of my intuition.
Your Intuition is Always Speaking…
Intuition is a natural gift I possess. Intuition is a gift that every Starseed possesses. I acknowledge and appreciate this precious gift. This gift allows me to experience greater degrees of ease, grace and joy in my life. I choose to engage my intuition. I am intuitive, I am open, I am connected, I am discerning, I am guided, I listen to the whispers, the whispers that guide me, for my intuition is always speaking to me, in my night dreams, in my waking state. The voice of intuition is ever whispering. The language of intuition is love. And as I tune into this language of love, I become aware of the many signs, the many signs from the Universe that point the way, the true way through times of chaos and confusion, the true way that lead easily and gracefully towards my dreams, and the dreams of my soul.
Music by…
Sefy Tofan and the track is called Opening My Eye 852Hz
5D Ascension School Membership…
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