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Higher Light Decree: Invoking Angelic Peace, Harmony, Unity Consciousness

What are Higher Light Decrees?

Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

This track Is designed to invoke angelic support to remove all vibrations of discord, hatred, conflict and war and in their place invite angelic vibrations of peace, harmony and unity consciousness.


I call upon God/Goddess All That Is. I call upon my OverSoul, Higher Self and Team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, assist, and activate this decree. I call upon my Body Elemental to be present and open during this decree. I call upon on my Star Brothers and Sisters in the Universe to assist me in this decree. I call on all Archangels of the horizontal and vertical force planes to be present during this decree. I call upon Cosmic Christ Consciousness and the Christ Grid, and all ascended beings within that grid to assist me in this decree. I call upon and invoke the Crystalline Grid of Gaia for assistance and support during this process. Especially all angels working with sacred crystals, flowers, and plants of the earth. Along with all other angelic beings within that grid who wish to assist. I call upon all Elohim and Seraphim. Violet and Ultraviolet fire angels. I call upon angels of Peace, Angels of Harmony and Angels of Unity Consciousness to assist me in this decree.

Waterfall of Light…

Spirit, I request now a waterfall of clearing and cleansing crystalline violet and ultraviolet light to be initiated to flow down through my energy fields.
Spirit, I request this be followed by a waterfall of clearing and cleansing crystalline diamond-white light through all layers of my being.
Spirit, I request this be followed by a waterfall of clearing and cleansing gold light through all layers of my being. I ask that this waterfall of violet-white-gold light continue throughout this decree.

Prayer to Spirit…

Spirit, give me the strength to peacefully look at the truth, to peacefully feel the truth, to peacefully know the truth, to peacefully speak the truth and to maintain a high vibration of peace, harmony and unity consciousness at all times. Allow the high vibration of peace, harmony and unity consciousness to become my new boundary. Allow this vibration to repel anyone in my reality who is aligned with conflict and war. Allow this vibration to attract my soul tribe, those who are of a similar vibration. Allow this vibration to attract new connections and new possibilities.

Clearing False Perceptions…

Spirit, clear and release all false information, false points of view, false conclusions, false perceptions that promote fear, hatred, discord or violence within my being.

Spirit clear and release all forms of mass media hypnosis including messages coming through any technological devices including all images, videos, films and TV programs, audio that promote fear, hatred, discord or violence within my being.

Clear and destroy any memories of the past where I have witnessed violence or abuse. Allow me to extract and retain the lesson and remove all memories that disturb my peace. Burn them in a bright light so they are removed from all layers of my unconscious mind. Clear this down to the cellular level and DNA.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness into my conscious and unconscious minds. Restoring a complete and deep connection to peace, harmony and unity consciousness within my being and all of my perceptions of the world.

Clearing Enemy Programming…

Spirit, clear and release any negative, outdated, low frequency ideas, judgements, opinions, stories relating to seeing any other as the evil enemy. Clear and release any idea that one group or nation is superior in some way to another group or nation. Clear and release any idea that any ‘enemy’ group or nation must be hated, fought, neutralised, punished or destroyed. Do this for all such enemy programming, whether picked up in another lifetime or through my bloodlines. Clear this down to the cellular level and DNA.

Clear any memories from any lifetime of being involved in any violent conflict or war. Clear any imprints of fear, anger, terror, rage, grief, hatred, shame, guilt. Clear this down to the cells and DNA. Clear any unjustified karma that can be cleared now. Retaining any important lessons and releasing anything that no longer serves the path of peace, harmony and unity consciousness.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness into any space and into any connection where I have been touched by war. Restoring a complete and deep connection to peace, harmony and unity consciousness in all layers of my being.

Clearing Abuse/Bullying…

Spirit, clear and release any energies of bullying, or the receiving of threats, intimidation, abuse, or violence. Clear the energies where anyone has sought to subdue my light and power or drain my light and power. Clear any energies from my family that have disturbed my peace and continue to do so. Clear any energies from education systems, workplaces or any other systemic energies that seek to disturb my peace. Clear any psychic cords to any individual or group that continues to create any disturbance to my peace.

Clearing Energetic Triggers…

Spirit, clear and release any energetic triggers within my mind and emotions that cause me to overact, over defend, judge, speak out of turn, seek to cause offense to another. Clear any old pockets of anger and hatred within me. Clear and release anything within my being that disturbs the peace between myself and another being or group.

I ask that angels of peace stand between me and any other person that disturbs my peace. Neutralising any angry or aggressive words spoken with an intense healing light before they reach my ears. Soothing and smoothing any potential angry or aggressive responses within my being to any words I hear. Allowing me to remain calm, neutral, compassionate, and loving even in trying circumstances.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness into all of my relations. Restoring a complete and deep connection to peace, harmony and unity consciousness within all my relationships.

Clearing Psychic Agreements…

Spirit, I hereby now renounce all agreements, vows, promises in the Akashic Records across all space and time that promotes in my body, mind, energy fields and reality the experience of conflict and war.

I ask that this include any vows made in any lifetime to follow any religious, political or any other form of war leader. Including any vows or oaths made in any lifetime involving dark alchemy, dark ritual or blood magic to follow another into war. Including any vows made in any lifetime relating to revenging any perceived wrongdoing. Including in this any vows made across time and space to lock into combat with any Dark Force. Do this and include any and all such agreements made by any ancestor or groups of ancestors touching me through my bloodlines relating to the promotion of any conflict and war.

Clear and destroy any agreements made with any secret society or secret military order or secret religious-military order made in any lifetime that has the potential to disturb my peace. Clear and destroy any agreements, vows or any form of promise or permission allowing any Dark Force Satanic Forces or Dark Alien Forces to manipulate my mind or being into any form of internal or external conflict or war. Destroy all agreements made across all space and time, all layers and levels of my being, all incarnations and timelines. Clear this down to the cellular level and DNA.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness into any space and into any connection where I have been touched by conflict or war. Restoring a complete and deep connection to peace, harmony and unity consciousness in all layers of my being.

Clearing Lower Energies…

Spirit, clear and release any energies of anger, aggression, fear, hatred, violence I have picked up from any physical space, any building or structure, any area of land, from any animal or species of animals. Clear anything that disturbs my peace. Clear this down to the cellular level and DNA.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness into any space in my being where I have absorbed energies that disturb my peace. Restoring a complete and deep connection to peace, harmony and unity consciousness in all layers of my being.

Clearing Mind Manipulation…

Spirit, clear, shield and protect my energy fields from any form of dark mental projection or black magic seeking to promote fear, hatred or violence within my being. Clear and release all suggestions, including any hypnotically induced suggestions, that promote fear, hatred, discord or violence within my being. Clear this down to the cellular level and DNA.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness into any space and into any connection where I have been touched by mind manipulation or black magic. Restoring a complete and deep connection to peace, harmony and unity consciousness in all layers of my being.

Clearing ‘Lower’ Entities…

Clear and remove all Satanic and demonic energies and beings from my reality. Clear and remove any low frequency being or beings touching or attached to my energy fields that seek to promote discord, hatred or violence. Do this across all space and time removing all entities seeking to create havoc and harm. I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness into any connection with lost, confused or soulless beings. Restoring a complete and deep connection to peace, harmony and unity consciousness in all layers of my being.

Choosing Peace…

Spirit, my choice is for Peace, Harmony and Unity Consciousness at all levels of my being. Spirit, my choice now is to make a vow of physical peace and harmlessness towards myself and others.

I choose this at the level of my physical body. I choose this at the level of my cells and DNA, so that the light of peace, harmony and unity consciousness may awaken in the blueprint of my body and radiate from there.

I choose this at the level of my bones, joints and vertebrae, so that the light of peace, harmony and unity consciousness radiates from there.

I choose this at the level of my flowing blood, so that the light of peace, harmony and unity consciousness may be taken to every space in my physical body.

I choose this at the level of my organs and all systems of my body, so that the light of peace, harmony and unity consciousness may radiate from all the major physical centres of my body.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness into all layers and levels of my physical body. Restoring a complete and deep connection to peace, harmony and unity consciousness within all aspects of my physical existence.

Making a Vow of Peace…

I make a vow of energetic peace and harmlessness towards myself and others. I choose this at the level of my etheric body. I choose this within each and every level of my chakras from crown to base. I choose this within my meridian system so the lines of flowing light may carry this intention and radiance to every level of my energetic being.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness into my etheric body. Restoring a complete and deep connection to peace, harmony and unity consciousness within all aspects of my chakra and meridian systems.

I make a vow of emotional peace and harmlessness towards myself and others. I choose this at the level of my emotional body. I choose this radiance of peace to being to vibrate within the core of any energies I am carrying that disturb my peace. To vibrate within the core of any emotional energy relating to any past or current experience that disturbs my peace. I do this in order that the vibration of peace, harmony and unity consciousness radiate in the now through all of my feelings and emotions.  

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness into my emotional body. Restoring a complete and deep connection to peace, harmony and unity consciousness within all aspects of my feeling nature.

I make a vow of mental peace and harmlessness towards myself and others. I choose this at the level of my mental body. I choose this radiance of peace to being to vibrate within the core of any old thoughts, beliefs and stories that disturb my peace. I do this so that a deep release of the past can begin. I do this in order that the vibration of peace, harmony and unity consciousness radiate in the now through my mind. 

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness into my mental body. Restoring a complete and deep connection to peace, harmony and unity consciousness within all aspects of my mind.

Assistance from Gaia…

Spirit, I call upon assistance from Angels working within nature. I invite the healing and restorative light of nature to assist me in restoring and maintaining a complete and deep connection to peace, harmony and unity consciousness

Flower – I call on the Overlighting Angel of the flower Rock Rose to transmit a healing light into any area of deep fear, panic or terror in my being, from any lifetime or anywhere in the bloodline touching me now that still disturbs my peace. To bring peace where there has been a deep fear.

Crystal – I call on the Overlighting Angel of Garnet crystal, to transmit a cleansing and healing vibration, helping to balance and harmonise my energy and activate greater hope when the world seems dark.

Flower – I call on the Overlighting Angel of Lemon Balm to transmit a healing light into any area of anxiety, or stress that disturbs my peace. To ease any restlessness in my being to restore a sense of deep peace.

Crystal – I call on the Overlighting Angel of Angelite crystal, to transmit a healing vibration through me removing any psychic blocks to knowing and speaking my truth. Helping to bring a greater sense of courage and faith, clearing any vibrations that disturb my peace.

Flower – I call on the Overlighting Angel of the Camomile flower to transmit a healing light into any area of worry that disturbs my peace. To help my body and mind soften and relax. Restoring a sense of harmony and freedom in my being.

Crystal – I call on the Overlighting Angel of Rose Quartz crystal, to transmit a healing light into any area of disturbance, allowing a new energy of unconditional love, compassion and gratitude. To bring peace where there has been any disturbance.

Flower – I call on the Overlighting Angel of the flower Snowdrop to transmit a bright light into any area of darkness and density in my being that disturbs my peace. To help release any trauma that may still be touching me. To bring light where there has been darkness.

Crystal – I call on the Overlighting Angel of Pink Calcite crystal, to transmit a healing vibration through me and around me into my home. Helping to bring a greater sense of peace and harmony in my home, clearing any vibrations of disturbance.

Flower – I call on the Overlighting Angel of the flower Star Magnolia to transmit a divine white light from this flower to my heart chakra, activating the seed of Divinity within me. To also transmit this divine white light to my crown connecting me with the peace, harmony and unity consciousness of my Higher Self and Source.

Sending Light…

Spirit, I ask for a transmission of Angelic light, and light from sacred flowers and plants, and light from the crystal kingdom that promotes peace, harmony and unity consciousness to be sent back along my timeline to any part of my inner being that needs this healing and support. To my inner adolescent. To my inner child. To any aspect of my being in the womb of my mother that needs this healing and support.

Spirit, I ask for a transmission of Angelic light, peace, harmony and unity consciousness to be sent to any aspect of my multidimensional being that needs this healing and support.

Spirit, I ask for a transmission of Angelic light, peace, harmony and unity consciousness to be sent back along the bloodlines, to be received by all those in need of this healing and support.

Spirit, I ask for a transmission of Angelic light, peace, harmony and unity consciousness to be sent to anyone I have some form of relationship with. Uplifting the energies between myself and every significant other.  

Spirit, I ask for a transmission of Angelic light to clear, cleanse and uplift all levels of my being. Allowing a deeper experience of peace, harmony and unity consciousness within my current reality.

Repeat Prayer…

Spirit, give me the strength to peacefully look at the truth, to peacefully feel the truth, to peacefully know the truth, to peacefully speak the truth and to maintain a high vibration of peace, harmony and unity consciousness at all times. Allow the high vibration of peace, harmony and unity consciousness to become my new boundary. Allow this vibration to repel anyone in my reality who is aligned with conflict and war. Allow this vibration to attract my soul tribe, those who are of a similar vibration. Allow this vibration to attract new connections and new possibilities.

Light to the World…

Spirit may this transmission of angelic light, peace, harmony and unity consciousness begin to radiate out into my reality. Out into my neighbourhood. To be received by all those open who are in need of this healing and support.

Spirit may this transmission of angelic light, peace, harmony and unity consciousness begin to radiate out into my reality and out into the world. To be received by all those open who are in need of this healing and support.


Spirit, bring to completion each separate aspect of this decree and all interconnected aspects to 100% done through all layers and levels of my Akashic Records, across all time and space, all timelines, lifetimes, levels of my being.

Spirit, bring my physical body and all energetic bodies to a space of completion. Allowing a greater level of harmony and flow within my being. Allowing a greater level of harmony and flow within all my relationships and connections.

Spirit, thank you for this blessing of clearing. I ask that you end this decree with a more intense waterfall of violet-white-gold light through my energy fields.

Spirit, do all of this in accordance with the cosmic laws of love and light for the maximum benefit of all involved.

One Response

  1. Thank you for the written version. My Spirit always request I speak them aloud! Truly grateful! Thank you for the Blessing of your life Steve! Infinite Blessings Beautiful Soul!

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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