What Are Higher Light Decrees?
Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.
This decree is designed to clear all negative programming and interference to allow for the flourishing of all innate multidimensional gifts that can be activated and brought online in the throat chakra.
The Opening Invocation…
I call upon God/Goddess All That Is. I call upon my OverSoul, Higher Self and Team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, assist, and activate this decree. I call upon on my Star Brothers and Sisters in the Universe to assist me in this decree. I call on Archangel Raphael and all angels working with Raphael in the mental realm to assist me in this decree. I call upon Michael and all angels working with Michael to assist me in this decree. I call on Metatron and all angels from the Great Central Sun working with Metatron to be present during this decree. I invoke the Christ Grid, and all ascended beings within that grid to assist me in this decree. I call upon all ascended beings working on the higher mental planes to assist me in this decree. I call on Sandalphon and all angels working with Sandalphon to assist me in this decree.
I invoke Archangels of the Three Suns, archangels of the Great Central Sun of Sirius, archangels of the Central Sun of the Pleiades, and Archangels of our local Sun to assist me in this decree. I invoke all Archangels of the Horizontal and Vertical force planes. I call upon all Elohim and Seraphim. Violet and Ultraviolet fire angels. I call upon angels working with sacred geometry to assist me in this decree.
Creating Protective Shields…
I call on Archangel Michael to create a sphere of electric blue fire around my throat chakra. Shielding and protecting this energy centre during this decree. I call upon Violet and Ultraviolet fire angels to create shield of angelic fire around my whole auric field. Around that, I call upon Archangels of the Three Suns to create another shield of angelic fire around my whole auric field. Around those shields I call a silver-blue crystalline tetrahedron to protect my fields during this decree.
Invoking a Waterfall of Light…
Spirit, I request now a waterfall of clearing and cleansing crystalline violet and ultraviolet light to be initiated to flow down through my energy fields and in particular through all layers of my mental body.
Spirit, I request this be followed by a waterfall of clearing and cleansing crystalline diamond-white light through all layers of my being and especially through all layers of my mental body.
Spirit, I request this be followed by a waterfall of clearing and cleansing gold light through all layers of my being and especially through all layers of my mental body. I ask that this waterfall of violet-white-gold light continue throughout this decree.
Destroying Negative Agreements…
Spirit, I hereby now renounce all agreements and promises across all space and time that interfere with the full functioning and optimisation of my throat chakra. Clear and destroy any agreements or any form of promise or permission seeking to block or distort my throat chakra, the expression of my truth, my light, my gifts, my soul work, my soul mission. Whether taken in another lifetime or inherited from my ancestral lines, clear any old religious vows of silence to know God. Similarly, clear any old religious vows of obedience to some church or religious organisation that blocks the expression of my throat chakra. Similarly, clear any negative soul agreements created in any lifetime where there has been trauma. Clear and destroy all agreements or any form of promise or permission that in any way interferes with throat chakra and my higher mental body including my ability to express my true creative self, speak from a high vibration, hearing Spirit, connecting with my intuition, and following higher guidance.
Spirit, delete and destroy from my Akashic Records and through all time and space, all such agreements, promises, vows and contracts that allow any interference with my throat chakra. Do this clearing through all minds, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Removing False Light Interference…
Spirit, remove anything touching my throat chakra that originates from any false light being, false light teacher, false light healer, false light channel or fallen angel including false or distorted information received that has negatively impacted my throat chakra. Disconnect me from any dark force, dark group, dark energy that seeks to interfere with the optimum functioning of my throat chakra.
Please remove anything within the throat that is not aligned with my highest truth, highest light and highest destiny. Do this clearing through all minds, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Closing Negative Portals…
Spirit, close every negative portal, opening, vortex that affects my throat chakra and the associated layer of my aura connected to my throat chakra. Seal and disappear all negative openings so that they are prevented from ever reopening thus allowing me to regain full sovereignty over my own energy and true purpose. Do this clearing through all minds, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Shifting Negative Timelines…
Spirit, close and remove any negative timeline affecting my throat chakra. Realign my throat chakra and all layers and levels of my being with my highest timeline, my highest destiny for this lifetime. Do this energetic adjustment through all minds, all dimensions, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Clearing Other Lifetime Bleedthrough Beliefs/Imprints…
Spirit, free my throat chakra from the negative consequences of any inherited beliefs from other lifetimes where I have experienced any form of trauma that impacts my throat causing me to hide my inner light from the world. Clear any negative imprints from other lifetimes of fear, terror or shame causing my throat to be negatively impacted in this lifetime. Do this clearing through all minds, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Clearing Redundant Negative Karma…
Spirit, clear all negative consequences that can now be cleared from my throat chakra relating to karmic interactions. Whether that be from word of harm I have spoken in other lifetimes that I now ask to be surrendered and dissolved in angelic fire. Whether that be from words I have spoken that have led to the suffering of another or myself in another lifetime. May that also be surrendered and dissolved in purifying angelic fire. Do this clearing through all minds, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Clearing Psychic Cords/Threads…
Spirit clear and release all cords, ties, threads, hooks, tentacles and any other toxic attachment in my throat chakra body to any being, group, organisation, government body, place, or situation that compromises my truth and light, whether originating in this lifetime or any other. Break, undo, or dissolve any energetic connection or structure seeking to drain my energy. Spirit, clear all energetic sludge that has been damming my creative flow. Do this clearing through all minds, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Clearing Obsolete Energies/Negative Implants…
Spirit, eliminate any toxic energies or obsolete energies that hinders or blocks the full functioning of my throat chakra.
Spirit, remove all implants blocking the natural flow of energy within and around my throat chakra. Remove all implants that seek to block, distort or interfere with my throat chakra. Clear any implant negatively affecting my highest timeline, remove anything negatively affecting my ability to access or express any 5D vibration or reality. Do this clearing through all minds, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Clearing Negative Beliefs from the Formative Years…
Spirit, free my throat chakra from the negative consequences of any limiting/false beliefs, whether received during the formative years or later. Free my throat from any conditioning that I have to keep silent, not be seen, heard or visible. Do this clearing through all minds, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Clearing Critical/Abusive Programming…
Spirit clear and release any and all criticism received while growing up that has impacted my throat chakra. Clear any programs of being undervalued or adults not wanting to listen. Clear any programs in the throat created by bullying, by any overbearing or abusive being in authority or any overbearing or abusive romantic partner. Do this clearing through all minds, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Clearing Words of Harm…
Spirit, clear all words of harm that have touched my throat chakra and any other connected aspect of my psyche and physical body. Including all criticisms, evaluations, judgements, negative stories. Do this to raise the sovereign power of my throat chakra to 100% clear and empowered. Do this clearing through all minds, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Clearing Present Life Programming…
Spirit, assist me in releasing the program of putting other people’s needs above my own. Assist me in clearing any program that seeks to discounting my own needs and dreams. Assist me in clearing any program or interference that seeks to stifle my truth and creative self-expression. Clear any and all anxiety and fear around speaking my truth, clear any anxiety around how others may react to my truth. Assist me in knowing that my voice is important and that my truth matters. Do this clearing through all minds, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Spirit, assist me in dissolving all confusion, self-doubt and lack of trust. Burn all of these lower frequencies with a bright angelic fire. Purging them from my throat and also from my Akashic Records.
Spirit, upgrade any limiting beliefs, stories, perceptions, pictures of reality, sense of identity to a higher and more expanded sense of possibility within my throat chakra. Do this clearing through all minds, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Invoking Angelic/Elemental Energies…
Spirit, I invite into my throat a healing blue angelic light from the Ascension Grid. Also, a healing gold light. Also, a healing diamond-white light. Clearing what needs to be cleared, opening what can be opened, activating what can be activated. Spirit, I also invite into my throat a healing cornflower blue elemental crystal light from the Earth Grid. Also, a healing amber-gold elemental crystal light. Also, a healing brilliant white elemental crystal light.
Spirit, I ask these healing energies clear my throat chakra, through all layers and levels and dimensions of that energy centre, aligning my throat with my Higher Self, raising the potential frequency of my every thought.
I ask these healing energies help to harmonise my throat chakra with all other chakras and all layers of my aura.
Spirit, with these healing energies empower my throat for clear, honest, authentic communication. Unlocking the full range of inspiration and creative flow.
Spirit, with these healing energies open my throat centre to Divine Love. I ask that this transmission of harmony and love assist me in the expression of my full inner authority, my full multidimensional wisdom, my full radiant masculine, and feminine power. Do this clearing through all minds, all bodies, all dimensions, all timelines, all incarnations and realities. Allowing a new space of light and new possibilities in my throat chakra.
Increasing Vibrational Clarity and Health…
Spirit, increase the vibrational health and clarity of my throat chakra. Allowing this new vibration of health and clarity to uplift all areas of my physical body governed by my throat chakra. Amplifying the potential for radiant health to 100% through all layers and levels of my physical being.
Increasing Creative Flow…
Spirit, restore my connection to full creative self-expression, restore my full connection to my inner genius, my full connection to the Divine Muse. Allowing a great flow of inspiration and new ideas. Amplifying the potential for creative self-expression to 100% through all layers and levels of my being.
Increasing Abundant Flow…
Spirit, restore the optimum flow of abundance and prosperity through my throat chakra allowing this divine flow to uplift my reality in new beneficial ways. Amplifying the potential for golden abundance and prosperity to 100% through all layers and levels of my being. Also, allowing this golden flow to assist in amplifying the abundance and prosperity of all those that I am positively connected to.
Increasing the Flow of Wisdom…
Spirit, restore and amplify my connection to the wisdom and guidance of my Higher Self and Guides. Allowing a deeper knowing and expression of truth and wisdom. Amplifying the potential for wisdom and guidance to 100% through all layers and levels of my being.
Activating Multidimensional Gifts…
Spirit, clear any interference with the activation of my multidimensional gifts, especially related to my throat chakra. Gifts and talents that have been developed and nurtured over many lifetimes, on the earth-plane and other planes of existence including lifetimes on other star systems and other dimensions.
Spirit, open my throat chakra to the new energies and light codes coming through the Ascension Grid, allowing the integration of these energies to the highest and best effect. Spirit, I ask that you restore all mental and psychic abilities to 100%. Assist in the integration of all new frequencies, whether light, colour, sound, sacred geometry, light language, or mathematical. Allow this integration to be grounded into every level and layer of my throat chakra and my being. Amplifying the expression of my inner potential to 100% through all layers and levels of my being.
Align all downloads coming through my throat chakra with all other chakras, all of my energy bodies, all layers of my lightbody, all meridians as necessary.
Activating Soul Mission…
Spirit, harmonize my throat chakra to be in complete alignment with my soul mission and vital purpose. Spirit, open my throat to light and thus open me to new possibilities and opportunities for expressing my soul’s mission. Assist me to take all necessary risks in expressing my unique creative truth to the world. Assist me in moving to a higher octave regarding my ability to express my gifts, mission and my truth. Activating the expression of my soul mission to 100% through all layers and levels of my being.
Completing this Decree…
Spirit, bring to completion each separate aspect of this decree and all interconnected aspects to 100% complete through all layers and levels of my Akashic Records, across all time and space, all timelines, lifetimes, levels of my being.
Spirit, I ask that you amplify this decree to the maximum intensity of clearing, cleansing, releasing, repairing, restoring as appropriate so that I am free of all dense energies and interferences.
Spirit, I ask that my throat chakra and associated layers of my aura be fully connected with the wisdom and light of Source Energy to 100% connected all times, spaces, levels of my being.
Spirit, thank you for this blessing of clearing. I ask that you end this decree with a more intense waterfall of violet-white-gold light through my energy fields and mental body.
Spirit, maintain the protection of electric blue fire, the shield of violet/ultraviolet fire and the shield of solar fire around my whole auric field for as long as necessary until the decree has been brought to 100% complete. Also, maintain the silver-blue crystalline tetrahedron for as long as necessary until the decree has been brought to 100% complete.
Spirit, do all of this in accordance with the cosmic laws of love and light for the maximum benefit of all involved.
I thank all helpful beings in Spirit assisting with this decree.
2 responses
I was doing this meditation after yoga and to bathe my throat chakra in blue angelic fire so that I can restore its connection to my higher purpose and clear all blockages. After the meditation I could feel something as the sun light was shining through my window. I captured in my photo the blue light coming in!
Thank you once again Steve. Listening to the recordings as well as reading the decrees out loud feels very empowering. Love & blessings