What are Higher Light Decrees?
Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.
What is the Mother Wound?
The Mother Wound typically occurs when a mother passes her unprocessed trauma down to her children. Signs of the Mother Wound include: feeling a lack of nurturing, love, and caring from the mother, difficulties in relating to the mother on an emotional level, challenges in friendships and intimate relationships later in life – including not feeling good enough and certain energetic boundary issues.
This Decree…
In this decree we call on Mother-Goddess Isis and all helpful beings to clear all ‘negative’ energies and programming connected to the Mother Wound. This includes ‘negative’ energies and programs concerning the Mother, Motherline and women in the Fatherline. It also includes ‘negative’ energies and programming from other lifetimes.
I call upon God/Goddess All That Is. I especially call on the aspect of the Divine we know as Mother-Goddess Isis to be present during this decree. I call upon my OverSoul, my Higher Selves, and Teams in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, assist, and activate this decree. I call upon my Body Elemental to be present and open during this decree. I call on my Deep Ancestors to be present during this decree. I call upon on my Star Family across the Universe to assist me in this decree. I call on all Archangels of the horizontal and vertical force planes to be present during this decree. I call on all Recording Angels of the Akashic Records. I call upon Angels of Light, Angels of Healing, Angels of Love. I call upon Cosmic Christ Consciousness and the Christ Grid, and all ascended beings within that grid to assist me in this decree. I call upon and invoke the Crystalline Grid of Gaia for assistance and support during this decree. I call on all Angelic beings within that Grid for assistance and support during this decree.
Waterfall of Light…
Spirit, I request now a waterfall of clearing and cleansing crystalline violet and ultraviolet light to be initiated to flow down and clear my energy fields.
Spirit, I request this be followed by a waterfall of crystalline diamond-white light to flow down and clear my energy fields.
Spirit, I request this be followed by a waterfall of gold light to flow down and clear my energy fields. I ask that this waterfall of violet-ultraviolet-white-gold light continue throughout this decree.
Prayer to Spirit…
Spirit, I ask for a complete clearing and removal of any energy, imprint, program, impediment, limitation, dark feminine archetype or energy projection from my mother and motherline that no longer serves me, that is no longer in alignment with my vibration and my highest timeline. Clearing, closing and removing with light and love any multidimensional wounding that needs to be closed, healed, and removed.
Negative Agreements…
Spirit, I hereby now renounce all agreements, vows, promises in the Akashic Records across all space and time that promotes any form of toxic interaction or relationship with the feminine and in my mother and in general the mother archetype. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
Other Lifetimes…
Spirit, clear any multidimensional memories or imprints where I have experienced the role of being an abandoning, unavailable, abusive or toxic mother. Clear any multidimensional memories or imprints where I have experienced having an abandoning, unavailable, abusive or toxic mother. Allow me to extract and retain any useful lessons whilst remove all unnecessary memories. Burn them in a bright light so they are removed from all layers of my unconscious mind. Clear this down to the cellular level and DNA. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
Spirit, clear and remove any negative and unhelpful programming received in the womb of my mother. Clear any programs received in the womb concerning any unprocessed trauma experienced by my mother. Clear anything limiting or toxic passed down to her from her mother, and her mother’s mother. Clear any physical, emotional, mental, verbal and sexual abuse or disturbances experienced by my mother passed down to me in the womb. Clear any victim mentality received in the womb. Clear any feelings of abandonment, neglect, unworthiness, being unloved or not wanted that has been picked up while in the womb of my mother. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
Spirit, release, clear and remove any programming I have received from my motherline relating to abuse, bullying, humiliation, shaming, unhealthy modelling of aggression and power, any parent-child enmeshment. Clear any physical, emotional, mental, verbal and sexual abuse experienced by the women in my motherline touching me now. Spirit, release, clear and remove any programming I have received from the women of my fatherline relating to bullying, humiliation, shaming, unhealthy modelling of aggression and power, any parent-child enmeshment. Clear any physical, emotional, mental, verbal and sexual abuse experienced by the women in my fatherline touching me now. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
Spirit, clear any unhelpful programming received during the bonding phase with my mother that interferes with my ability to naturally, effortlessly, and happily bond appropriately with others. Anywhere my mother was not able to be fully present. Anywhere my mother was unable to give love, empathy, care, or create any real sense of stability and security. Clear anywhere my mother was overly anxious, critical, disapproving, manipulative, controlling, over giving, over pleasing, raging, mentally unbalanced. Clear anywhere my mother was reflecting back her own wounds that then creating in me a distorted sense of self-image, and self-worth. Clear anywhere my mother was overprotective to a degree that hindered my growth, eventual urge towards independence, and autonomy. Clear anywhere I received the message that it was not allowed, not OK to express certain emotions such as anger. Clear anywhere I received the message that it was not allowed to express certain views, certain values. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
Soul Loss…
Spirit, assist any light that has fragmented from my being in my formative years, due to experiencing any aspect of the mother wound, to be gathered and taken safely to a temple of healing. There to be cleared, healed and returned to me, as appropriate.
Great Goddess Isis, you are a magical doorway into Universal intelligence and power, you are a Divine aspect of Universal Intelligence, of the Absolute, of God/Goddess All That Is. Your power rises with the bright star Sirius. You are clothed with the light of the sun, you who have a crown of many stars. You who are the bright gate of light in darkening skies. By all the magical names of old I call to you. Through you we begin to touch the unfathomable mystery of this Universe.
I invite the all-embracing love of the Great Mother-Goddess Isis, to hold me and protect me as I heal from all layers, levels, dimensions, and manifestations of the mother wound. My mother birthed my physical body, yet you are the protector of my spirit. Great Mother-Goddess Isis you are my true cosmic mother, you are a clear mirror for me as I move and grow through this world, speaking to me through signs and portents, through gentle inner whispers, restoring a complete sense of personal sovereignty, healthy boundaries, reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.
Cultural Conditioning…
Spirit, release, clear and remove any programming received from cultural influences that encourages any abusive or toxic relationships between myself and my mother. Clear any patriarchal judgements, opinions, beliefs, stories, and programming including hatred of the feminine and imprints of punishments to women that may linger in my unconscious mind, disturbing or interfering with my relationship to the feminine and my mother. Clear all subtle and not so subtle messages in my unconscious mind coming through media channels, especially relating those that objectify women, that too narrowly define the role of women and in any other way stereotype women. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
Physical Body…
Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any toxic energy received from my mother that has in any way become lodged in my physical body. Lodged within any organ, gland, or system in my body. Clear any program concerning the mother wound to neglect or harm my body in any way. Clear any programs of eating disorder that originates with the mother wound. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
Emotional Body…
Spirit, break all the points of toxic emotional connection between myself and my mother. Release, clear, dissolve, remove any toxic emotional energies received such as fear, shame, rage, guilt, and hate. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
Mental Body…
Spirit, release, break, dissolve, remove all mental programming I have received from my mother that creates any form of limitation or disturbance in my mind, or any form of unhealthy relating to the feminine. Release, break, dissolve, remove any disturbing, limiting, blocking, disempowering thoughts or programs received from my mother such as the impulse towards, self-hatred, self-sacrifice, self-sabotage, self-harm, or self-punishment. Clear any vague or specific sense of needing my mother’s approval or permission to fully live my life. Clear any blocking mental energy that inhibits the activation of my full inner potential and destiny. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
Great Goddess Isis, you are a magical doorway into Universal intelligence and power, you are a Divine aspect of Universal Intelligence, of the Absolute, of God/Goddess All That Is. Your power rises with the bright star Sirius. You are clothed with the light of the sun, you who have a crown of many stars. You who are the bright gate of light in darkening skies. By all the magical names of old I call to you. Through you we begin to touch the unfathomable mystery of this Universe.
I invite the all-embracing love of the Great Mother-Goddess Isis, to hold me and protect me as I heal from all layers, levels, dimensions, and manifestations of the mother wound. My mother birthed my physical body, yet you are the protector of my spirit. Great Mother-Goddess Isis you are my true cosmic mother, you are a clear mirror for me as I move and grow through this world, speaking to me through signs and portents, through gentle inner whispers, restoring a complete sense of personal sovereignty, healthy boundaries, reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.
Psychic Cords…
Spirit, as appropriate either release, break, dissolve, remove all forms of negative psychic attachment or cording with my mother or upgrade the connection to a higher bond of love. Clear and cleanse all of my chakras of any enmeshment with my mother. Do this through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
Spirit, seal and heal any wounding, openings, tears or rips to my energy field with light. Healing and sealing anything created as a result of this clearing and removal.
Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any overt or subtle messages received from my mother that in any way interferes with my innate abilities, gifts, modes of expression, confidence, courage, chosen direction, identity and values. Clear and remove any unfulfilled goals or dreams from my mother that is in anyway influencing my choices, direction and destiny. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
Spirit, clear any conditioning due to the mother wound of being a super compliant or super people pleaser, of over giving, of seeking to be invisible or seeking to take the blame or seeking to be any kind of doormat. Clear any programs manifesting in my relationships due to the mother wound such as fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, any fear of ‘rocking the boat’, any inability to trust, any struggle concerning intimacy, anywhere my boundaries have been weak or non-existent, anywhere I have been manipulative, over pleasing, over giving, overly clingy or overly independent and aloof. Clear any energies and cording I have received in any intimate relationship or friendship where I have been working through anything to do with my mother wound. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
Spirit, I call upon my Higher Self, Guides and all support in this world to assist me in creating healthy boundaries. Assisting me in becoming more aware in knowing and meeting my physical and emotional needs. Assisting me in giving and receiving in equal measure. Assisting me in becoming visible as and when I choose, in choosing to be truly seen and heard. Assisting me to be self-reliant, to be able to healthily connect with others, to be able to self-soothe, to be courageous, to become a spiritual adult, to fully embrace my soul path and highest destiny.
Spirit, assist me in forgiving myself, loving myself, forgiving and releasing my mother to her true path in this lifetime and beyond. Grant me the space and freedom to love, the space and freedom to express love, the space and freedom to receive love, the space and freedom to interact with love, harmony and gratitude in this world.
Spirit, assist me in realising the multidimensional gifts of the mother wound, the gift of awareness of the suffering generated by outgoing patriarchal systems, the gift of seeking new spiritual paths, new methods of healing, the gift of seeking new ways for the masculine and feminine to relate, the gift of seeking the Divine Feminine in all of her mystical forms.
Great Goddess Isis, you are a magical doorway into Universal intelligence and power, you are a Divine aspect of Universal Intelligence, of the Absolute, of God/Goddess All That Is. Your power rises with the bright star Sirius. You are clothed with the light of the sun, you who have a crown of many stars. You who are the bright gate of light in darkening skies. By all the magical names of old I call to you. Through you we begin to touch the unfathomable mystery of this Universe.
I invite the all-embracing love of the Great Mother-Goddess Isis, to hold me and protect me as I heal from all layers, levels, dimensions, and manifestations of the mother wound. My mother birthed my physical body, yet you are the protector of my spirit. Great Mother-Goddess Isis you are my true cosmic mother, you are a clear mirror for me as I move and grow through this world, speaking to me through signs and portents, through gentle inner whispers, restoring a complete sense of personal sovereignty, healthy boundaries, reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.
Religious Conditioning…
Spirit, release, clear and remove any programming received from religious or quasi spiritual group, sects or cults concerning the relationship to the feminine and to the pure energies of the mother archetype. Clear any distorted archetypal patterns received from any Church such as that of virgin and whore. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations, and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
Dark Feminine Archetypes…
Spirit, release, clear and upgrade any limiting ideas or negative programming received from any mythological source concerning the dark feminine. Upgrade the archetype of the dark mother who governs the powers of death and decay and connect me with the wise mother who understands the powers of birth and nurturing. Upgrade the archetypes of the dark Goddess that rules the underworld, and the raging Medusa so their energies and powers can be transformed into something more beneficial and healing. Upgrade the archetype of the dark dominating queen so that her power can be used to rule harmoniously and wisely. Heal the archetype of the madwoman who lives in a twilight zone so that her genius can connect me to the inner and outer worlds in harmony and peace. Do this clearing and upgrading through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.
The Goddess and Angels of Protection…
Great Goddess Isis and all Angels of Light, create suitable layers of protection around my vulnerable selves, my inner child/inner children allowing me and my Higher Self to take full responsibility for my inner child/inner children, removing any enmeshment involving any aspect of my inner child with my mother. I ask for a transmission of angelic light, healing and love to be sent to any aspect of my multidimensional being, including my inner child/inner children that needs love, healing and support now.
Great Goddess Isis and all Angels of Light, I ask for a transmission of angelic light, healing and love to be sent to any aspect of my mother and both of my bloodlines that needs love, healing and support.
Great Goddess Isis and all Angels of Light, I ask for a transmission of Angelic light to clear, cleanse, and uplift all levels of my being. Allowing a deeper experience of harmony, love and unity consciousness within my current reality.
Great Goddess Isis and all Angels of Light, I ask for a transmission of light from sacred flowers, plants, and light from the crystal kingdom that promotes any healing and self-love that I am needed right now. Sending this healing and loving vibration deep into my physical body. Sending this healing and loving vibration deep into my auric field.
Great Goddess Isis, you are a magical doorway into Universal intelligence and power, you are a Divine aspect of Universal Intelligence, of the Absolute, of God/Goddess All That Is. Your power rises with the bright star Sirius. You are clothed with the light of the sun, you who have a crown of many stars. You who are the bright gate of light in darkening skies. By all the magical names of old I call to you. Through you we begin to touch the unfathomable mystery of this Universe.
I invite the all-embracing love of the Great Mother-Goddess Isis, to hold me and protect me as I heal from all layers, levels, dimensions, and manifestations of the mother wound. My mother birthed my physical body, yet you are the protector of my spirit. Great Mother-Goddess Isis you are my true cosmic mother, you are a clear mirror for me as I move and grow through this world, speaking to me through signs and portents, through gentle inner whispers, restoring a complete sense of personal sovereignty, healthy boundaries, reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.
Spirit, bring to completion each separate aspect of this decree and all interconnected aspects to 100% done through all layers and levels of my Akashic Records, across all time and space, all timelines, lifetimes, levels of my being.
Spirit, bring my physical body and all energetic bodies to a space of completion. Allowing this clearing to create more space, freedom, harmony, love and flow within my being. Allowing a greater level of space, freedom, harmony, love and flow within all my relationships and connections.
Spirit, thank you for this blessing of clearing. I ask that you end this decree with a more intense waterfall of violet-ultraviolet-white-gold light through my energy fields.
Spirit, do all of this in accordance with the cosmic laws of love and light for the maximum benefit of all involved.
10 responses
This Decree found me perfect timing. My own Mother disowned me this year and my youngest daughter is following her sister in disowned me too. I read this aloud and my hair became so electrical static I can hear it fizz. I’ve wrapped it now. I cannot thank author and universe enough. Jai Gurudev
For background my Mother taught me of light workers growing up. Very Spiritual as am I. We both know there are deep bloodline healing to do. It all seems to have landed on me. Again thank you for this timely Decree
Thank you!
Such a beautiful healing. You are wonderful. I am grateful. ❤️
What a wonderful invocation and connection. What a wonderful vision and invocation of healing through all matriarchal lines. I thank you Steve, the spider and all that is for bringing this forward at this time.
Thank you Steve, this was so needed & very much appreciated.
a deep bow for you, Steve, for this profound healing
This wonderful clearing and healing decree was highly appropriate as it described all aspects of my life and relationships with the women in my family. After a long and toxic relationship, my sister has disowned me, something I give thanks for as I now have distance from her negative and controlling behaviour over many decades. This decree was also a chance to help release my mother from the negative influences and generational trauma she passed on to me. Thank you with all my heart.
Thank you so much for this one Steve. Do you happen to have a HLD on the Sisterwound as well? I couldn’t find it but maybe I overlooked… And again, thank you so much for the work you do in freeing the collective