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Bloodline Clearing Transmission: Clearing and Re-Aligning to a Higher Light.

This remastered transmission is intended to put your bloodline on notice (both mother and father lines) that the whole bloodline is now shifting into a higher frequency of light. This shift will especially impact upon the past seven generations on either side.

This transmission goes beyond giving notice to beginning the process of neutralising any programs or energies seeking expression through your reality that does not serve your soul’s path. Many unresolved energies can be surrendered into Source Light at this time. Patterns of abuse, emotional suppression, deep anger/grief, hurt, resentment, helplessness, violence and war can all be surrendered.

The first stage is a clearing for seven generations. Then the transmission works to clear any deeper patterns from seven generations back into infinity. In particular it seeks to clear any old alien interference in the bloodline that at this time can be released.


13 responses

    1. This came through exactly when I f8n8shed a course and cleared some energy around my ancestors this really completed the process in a gentle and l8ving way much gratitude love and light

  1. Magnificent. I felt the clearing in my energy field. This covered so many aspects. Truly grateful for your devotion to healing. Thank you!

  2. Truly Wonderful…thank you…
    Witnessed, what appeared to be, ancient golden Mayan symbols. Not questioning if they were present for healing or removal. Simply trusting this whole process. Living in each moment. Sharing my joy wherever I am.

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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