5D Major Arcana Course

Ascension News: 2019 The Year of Intensifying Light

This year 2019 is a year of intensifying light. Light is shifting everything across the planet. This is creating a certain acceleration of ascension symptoms and also external chaos where there is a vibrational dissonance between the inner reality of intention, thought, belief, desire and feeling and the external reality being experienced. The light seeks to align us with our authentic truth even if that means creating a certain amount of chaos to get there. Now the prime directive is to live out our authentic truth, awaken our inner potential and complete our Soul Contract of service on the planet.



Wherever, we are in this process it is important to own full responsibility for our choices, words and actions. We must also own full responsibility for any supposed ‘block’ or obstacle on the path. Blocks and obstacles are chosen, even if this choice is made unconsciously because of a belief inherited from another lifetime or a family pattern we have adopted. Blocks and obstacles create a certain damming up of psychic energy which can result in enormous pressure. This pressure seeks to break through the ‘block’ or obstacle and often the momentum of breaking through can carry us quite a distance along our intended path.

This psychic pressure is being felt at a personal and collective level. Let us look at the Collective pressure for a moment. Right now forces have been building within the collective consciousness that seek to tear down political and financial systems that create injustice. These systems have increasing become unjust over the past decade or so. This pressure in the collective recently broke through with the yellow vest demonstrations in France which spread to other parts of Europe. Psychic pressure will continue to build this year. Old systems of control that do not resonate with light are losing their energetic integrity. Even though many within the controlling structures are aware that they are losing ground there is also a great disbelief and naivety about this. The idea that the masses are ignorant sheep to be controlled has been prevalent for too long. Yet, the sheep are revolting as the mass consciousness becomes better informed about what the 0.001% have been up to. Whistle-blowers have helped greatly in this process. This is why so much effort is being exerted by Britain and the United States in bringing Julian Assange to so called justice. Although there is pressure to tear down systems that create injustice, many systems can be transformed by the light. This is part of the Divine Plan, not to destroy but to transform. For example, in the past Christianity surpassed paganism by building churches on holy pagan sites and celebrated certain festivals on pagan festive dates. Christianity would not have succeeded if it has sought to destroy pagan religion outright. Similarly, in this time some old structures will be transformed rather than be destroyed. An example of this is the financial system on the planet, which is responsible for much collective misery and injustice. Destroying this system without anything to take over would throw the planet into chaos. Instead of destruction, having new financial platforms and mechanisms come online that break apart the old control system without sending the planet into chaos, is a better option. Similarly, controlling bloodlines such as the Royal British Monarchy, can be taken over by the light. The most notable starseed to enter therein was Princess Diana. This was an amazingly brave soul who was able to bring about an injection of a new higher frequency energy into the bloodline. This was a difficult mission and one that ultimately cost her, her life. Yet, this has opened the door for more starseeds to enter therein.

When we understand the nature of ascension, we will also realise that this is a journey from dark to light. We have passed through a very dark time on the planet and we are emerging into a bright new dawn. This year 2019 is a time of dawning light for many. The old dark forces are losing their power to control and interfere. A war has been waged against starseeds on the inner planes by dark forces seeking to block ascension. Many have felt under psychic attack. Many have felt constrained from following their true authentic path of light. More and more tools and dispensations are coming online to banish the darkness from our reality. I have shared some tools on this YouTube channel and there are so many offering different methods and techniques. A few decades ago there was not so much information available in dealing with dark force interference. There was not much awareness that dark forces could interfere to the extent they have been. Now everything is coming up to the light to be witnessed, healed and released. We have passed through many lifetimes where the dark has been in the ascendance. In this year 2019, the balance has swung, now the light is in the ascendance.

So, in this year 2019 we are being asked to align with our deepest truth. For those that have passed through the time of awakening from caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly this year has great potential. This year is where we can fully release old patterns of struggle, suffering and limitation. This year can bear much fruit and joy. New doors of possibility can open. New gifts and abilities can come online. For those who are still passing though stages of awakening then there are still old energies to shake off and new energies to align with. There are still lessons to be embraced and learnt. This is well summed up by Portia Nelson’s poem, There’s a Hole in My Sidewalk. Do check it out!

If you do not find yourself very much supported in this process by those around you in the physical dimension then you must look ever more powerfully to your support team in Spirit. Do not forget to ask for help and support. This year it is important to neutralise all channels of fear including mainstream media that only drain and lower our energy. Stay in touch with what is happening in the world without being influenced by the negative agendas of those who seek to control your energy and consciousness.

Rather, this year focus on your dreams. Set intentions that resonate at a high frequency level. Do activities that nurture and support you. Self-care and self-love are important to allow parts of the ego that need these energies to heal and align with your Soul Path. Remember, we are the magicians and map-makers that are here to create a new world. This year some people and situations may drop away from your reality allowing new people and opportunities to enter therein. This is how it needs to be. This year manifestation can become much quicker and more graceful. So this year open to expanding all limits to joy, all limits to love, all limits to connection, all limits to magical manifestation and all limits to your Soul Path.

Many Blessings

18 responses

  1. “I walk down the street.
    There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
    I fall in.
    I am lost… I am helpless.
    It isn’t my fault.
    It takes forever to find a way out.

    I walk down the same street.
    There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
    I pretend I don’t see it.
    I fall in again.
    I can’t believe I am in the same place.
    But, it isn’t my fault.
    It still takes me a long time to get out.

    I walk down the same street.
    There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
    I see it is there.
    I still fall in. It’s a habit.
    My eyes are open.
    I know where I am.
    It is my fault. I get out immediately.

    walk down the same street.
    There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
    I walk around it.

    I walk down another street.”

    ― Portia Nelson, There’s a Hole in My Sidewalk: The Romance of Self-Discovery

  2. Wery good!! I struggle with my last of bad goverment and money, who is far from fear. But i looking for the block to realese IT ☺️

  3. Thank you for your teachings and transmissions. I found your work transformational and I was guided to find you through beings from Sirius last year when my awakening really accelerated. Sending love and light.

  4. Hi Steve
    I’ve been loving your meditations on Insight Timer.
    I’m curious to heat your intuition on the Extinction Rebellion movement.

  5. On the surface, you’re going to think what I write here is negative, or even awful, but don’t stop just at the surface of the words. Here’s what’s been going on all our individual lives – since the very beginning when we were crawling around on the floor. We’ve been “Programmed”. Sure, most agree with this statement. Oh! but NOW… we’re not subject to our old programming, right? And we’re always working on rejecting that old programming. Very good, indeed. Still… we are creatures of programming. It’s the nature of the human condition. So we seek “Other” programming. And we get programmed into feeling like we KNOW there’s a “New Way” of “Being”, eh? Great! But it’s just more programming, that convinces us, just like the old programming, that we fit in better in some way. But wait!?! THROW AWAY ALL PROGRAMMING, WAKE UP, and look around you. NO IT’S NOT!!! It’s NOT changing. Not one iota. You may so-called, “Attract”, something good to yourself, and it still brings with it TWENTY things you wish to god hadn’t arrived in your life. Ahh… but the NEW programming tells you this is simply temporary, and to keep “Believing” in the new religion. It’ll all be better when we ascend to a certain point? Even thought ascension is never ending, so there’s always an “Out” for the so-called teachers of the new religion. Oh! We simply haven’t ascended enough yet. The day is coming. This year will just be a certain kinda challenge – you just wait and see. And are you one of the ones who have already waited 10, 20, 30 or more years for this magical religion to take you someplace? Dear soul… REALLY, TRULY, ACTUALLY, REALLY – WAKE UP! REALLY WAKE UP, OK? It’s stacked against you in this reality. That’s NOT going to change in your lifetime. A good thing happens, and brings with it 20 new challenges. That IS the reality we live in. WAKE UP! That’s our inescapable reality. Oh wait! Is she just bitter or broken? No indeed. You have the spark of love inside. That’s ALL you have. It will NOT change the outer reality. It will NEVER change this outer reality. When one good thing arises, 20 will arrive to shove it back down. So whether it’s in this reality or the next. The ONLY thing you can truly rely on is your own, inner spark. That’s all there is, nothing more. And as I personally discover THIS, NON-RELIGION truth, I find the love has grown within. Count on this only. Reality WILL NOT CHANGE FOR YOU, just because you wish it, or will it.

    1. CommentSilently I go into the night. Tired of hurting, so sick of making EVERYONE fight.

      What if she never was there to darken the skies, let’s pretend you never had to care, or accidently sink into her blue eyes of self made dispair .

      Its all anyone sees, a pathetic and not much of a woman. Shes down on her pitty with no self respect
      For she’s it’s a purposeful mistake that the heaven’s seemed to forget. Leaving her sensitive heart to break..shes everyone’s hate, her own family thinks shes a mistake. Shes left to lead with the only thy hinge she has, it’s her tender heart, that sets her apart. To mention her name means that shes the one to blame. The souless beast is the fight shes defeated at almost every single day.
      Shes the one you never see crying in the corner all alone. Broken and beat just wanting to go home.

      See here now! shes none of those things that is publically acclaimed. Shes an angel bitter to the people’s heartless knows. Shes the one to put it all on her shoulders while everyone let’s go. Shes the teacher of the young, leader of the right. This woman is a strong fighter of the light.

      So I’m gonna be in the darkness that I choose. For this battle has been so long to help save man I will not loose. But, Can’t wait till its my turn for fate, to turn back around and see it’s not too late. For someday, these tables will turn, hopefully ill be loved as much in my in return. Rather it be tomorrow or sometime from this moment is all this tired beatdown soul quietly yearns.

  6. Just as i though. You’re not actually asking for comments. You’ll screen the ones that don’t fit your religion. Of course. Good luck in the long run.

    1. Dear Mary,
      I have been busy for a day or too. I do not screen comments for the ones that I agree with. I welcome all comments so long as they are not abusive or coming from some evangelical point of view. Sx

  7. Fuck you, and fuck Spirit. There is ZERO practical support for this Ascension thing, and Spirit does not want to lift a finger to help, no matter how many times I have asked for it. I am in unbelievable pain with all the energies entering me, and I just don’t want to be here anymore. This thing has stripped me of everything I used to love or enjoy doing, there’s nothing left for me here anymore, and I refuse to let this thing turn me into a zombie.

    I shall be exiting this life in the next few weeks. I tried for six hard years to live with this thing, but now the energies are getting stronger. It’s just too much. The life I knew is over, replaced by a waking nightmare. The only thing I look forward to each day is the end of each day, so I can sleep and be free of this shit for a few hours.

    1. Dear Paul,
      I am sorry you are suffering. I am not sure you can fully appreciate this right now but there is always hope.
      I know what darkness is, I passed through a dark night for 6 years where all hope was totally lost to me.
      Despair opens us to lower interfering forces. These lower forces will seek to make your life a misery including destroying you.
      I created the YouTube channel as a free resource to help in a variety of ways.
      Do not lose hope. I wish you well whatever path you choose.

    2. I stand by my words. ZERO FUCKING SUPPORT. And im talking proper face to face support, not listening to people with purple hair on You Tube.

      The past weekend has been truly awful. The ascension energies gave me a massive headache and caused violent bouts of diarrhoea and vomiting in the early hours of Sunday morning. My insides now feel burnt, but perhaps the worst thing is the spacey feelings, and the fact that I have now lost interest in practically everything I used to enjoy doing. In short, Im turning into a zombie, waiting for the next wave of shittiness to wash over me and make me sick again.

      And you think this is a good thing? I think you are fucking deluded as fuck. And this is as shady as fuck. This is some weird Martian body-snatching shit. I dont know who I am ANY FUCKING MORE!!! I am lost!!! LOST!!!!!!!

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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