5D Major Arcana Course

Transforming Suppressed Anger Meditation: With Cleansing Elemental and Angelic Fire.

In this meditation we begin to connect with those areas of suppressed anger in the body. Since like attracts like suppressed anger can lead to an accumulation of anger that does not even belong to you. This anger is purified and released from your body. Then the meditation focuses on two aspects, the protection/controlling part of you that seeks to block anger and the part of you that is the suppressed anger. We could call these the prison guard and the prisoner. Working with your Higher Self the energy of the prison guard is shifted and it is given a new role in your energy field. Then the anger within you that is yours is cleansed and released. The channel for clean expression of this anger is then opened. The meditation ends with a calling back of all fragmented light that needs to be transformed and returned to your energy fields.

Anger is energy and energy, like water, needs to flow and be expressed. There are two issues that are problematic around anger. One is where anger is over expressed in judgemental, aggressive and even violent ways. The other is where anger is blocked or suppressed which can create passive aggressive responses to life. Suppressed anger can be an underlying cause of anxiety and depression. Suppressed Anger can affect thinking and behaviour patterns and in turn disrupt relationships. Suppressed anger can contribute to a number of health issues such as fatigue, high blood pressure, headaches etc. Starseeds, because of their empathic nature, tend to block, disown and suppress anger.


8 responses

  1. This is a main block I’ve been struggling with all my life. I’ve been blocked in expression as a child, which has led to a congestion of many emotions, as well as mental and physical problems. I need to flow freely again! Anger is very much suppressed in our world, it would help a lot to make it neutral again and use it as a positive force.

    1. I understand what you are talking about because the same… i recognize inside me. And this is a serious issue. It had brought so much unnecessary suffering and misunderstanding in life. But as always we learn and are driven to the right places to see, understand, resolve and heal what needs to be healed. All is well.

      Thank you Steve for this meditation. I did not see much of visuals but i felt it. And with that, much understanding had flown again into me. I feel gratitude and much joy now.

  2. “Tune into your body, your base, your belly, your chest, your throat. Anger can be locked in the torso; it can be so buried that you feel nothing at all. So, breathe and just enter into the truth of any of the following statements that resonate.

    I have come to this meditation for a reason.
    I have anger locked in my body.
    I have anger in the form of resentment, frustration in my body.
    I have anger that is underlying disappointment in my body.
    I have anger that is beneath layers of grief and sadness in my body.
    I have anger beneath looping thoughts in my mental body
    I have anger that is behind some compulsive actions and behaviours.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. Allow whatever wants to be revealed. Enter into the truth of any of the following statements that resonate.

    I have no right to be angry.
    In order to avoid anger in my reality:
    I keep myself busy and preoccupied.
    I avoid certain people or situations.
    I divert my/others attention away from areas of potential conflict.
    When others are angry, I assume it is my fault.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. Allow whatever wants to be revealed. Enter into the truth of any of the following statements that resonate. I have learnt to:

    Channel my anger against myself. Blame myself when things go wrong. Channel anger into self-attack, self-condemnation, self-judgment.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. Allow whatever wants to be revealed. I have learnt to:

    Play small. Limit myself. Have poor boundaries. Sacrifice my time and energy for others.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. And follow the energetic response in your body as we go deeper into the meditation. Enter into the truth of any of the following statements that resonate.

    Somewhere in my past I have judged anger as bad. Perhaps being angry when I was young was heavily discouraged. Perhaps my anger got me into trouble, my anger led me to being punished. Perhaps I felt when I was young that being angry was shameful or pointless. Perhaps I was not allowed to be angry. Perhaps one or both parents were allowed to be angry, or perhaps a sibling was allowed to express the anger of the family. Perhaps anger frightened me. Or made me deeply unhappy, or made those around me deeply unhappy. Perhaps anger always seemed to lead to violence. There are so many reasons that can cause me to suppress my anger. When I was growing up one of more of these reasons caused me to suppress and block my anger.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. And follow the energetic response in your body as we go deeper into the meditation.

    Suppressed anger is a destructive force in the body. Suppressed anger becomes toxic after a while. Toxic anger can attract an ugly angry reality. This ugliness will seem to be reflected in different ways in your reality. You may see that ugliness in your reality and switch it off just as you can switch off bad news on your TV or laptop.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. And follow the energetic response in your body as we go deeper into the meditation. Perhaps you are beginning to feel where you are holding anger in your body. Perhaps you can sense how you are holding that anger in the body and not allowing it any form of expression.

    Just for a moment consider that anger is energy. It is neither good nor bad. Anger can of course be channelled destructively. We are here together to transform this anger in your body into a positive motivating force for your life. We are cleaning it up. Clean anger can be used as a force of change, as a force that creates clear boundaries, as a force that enable forward movement.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. And follow the energetic response in your body as we go deeper into the meditation.

    Now I want to speak to the part of you that wants to keep you safe by blocking anger. Please hear this. Anger can never be destroyed. The energy of anger can be contained or imprisoned or banished but it is never destroyed. Please know that imprisoning anger may work as a short-term solution to a problem you believed existed as you were growing up. But it is never a happy long-term solution. Suppressing anger causes many problems. It can cause confusion, depression, fatigue, health issues, passive-aggressive responses, it can interfere in relationships, it can contribute to an inability to move forward. On top of this imprisoning anger takes a certain amount of your energy. Where one part of you is the prisoner and another aspect of you is the prison guard.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. And follow the energetic response in your body as we go deeper into the meditation.

    Anger is meant to flow. If you see children, one minute happy, he next sad, the next happy, the next angry, the next playful and happy once again. Emotions are like the weather as they are expressed, they flow from one state to another effortlessly. Anger is as natural as sadness; it is as natural as happiness. As adults we forget the fluid nature of emotions and seek instead to dam and control them. To reconnect with the playful happy innocence of the child within we must update some of the controls and strategies we have placed in our psyche.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. And follow the energetic response in your body as we go deeper into the meditation. Just sit for a moment with the thought that it is time to find a new way.

    I am speaking now to the part of you guarding anger. You have been doing a great job. One that has no doubt felt highly necessary for a time. That time is over. The ascension process we are in is demanding that everything within the psyche holding you within the old 3D Matrix be now resolved. Now is the time to transform the old anger that has been shut out for so long. It is time to find a new way. Instead of imprisoning anger it is time to rehabilitate your anger, to transform and clean it up so it can be channelled in a positive way in your reality.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. And follow the energetic response in your body as we go deeper into the meditation.

    I call to your Higher Self to hold the part of you that has been guarding anger. To hold it in a purifying light. I ask your Higher Self to give this aspect a new role. One that will assist this process of rehabilitating and transforming your anger. To allow it to be expressed cleanly.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. Notice if there is complete agreement to this or whether there is any hesitation or resistance.

    Before anger can be released it needs a little cleaning. Like giving a prisoner that has not had a shower or awash for some time a much-needed bath or shower. Anger has become dirty, perhaps toxic. Actually, I am assuming that much of the anger locked into your body does not belong to you. There is an old saying, like attracts like. As you have buried your own anger you have absorbed the anger of others.

    Just breathe and feel into the truth of this.

    I call on Archangel Michael to invoke the element of fire. Allow this fire to burn brightly before you. Surrender other peoples anger to this fire to be released. You can even step into it and ask that all energy that does not belong to you be transformed and released back to where it is needed. Stand in the burning fire and purge other people’s anger form your field. Purge other people’s anger from your body and feel lighter and lighter. In the days ahead this will allow more of your own natural energy to rebalance within you. There will also be a great release and relief as you no longer need to play the prison guard watching over other people’s anger in your body.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. Allow the process of release. This will feel deeply cleansing. Step out of that fire feeling lighter. There is no need any more to absorb the anger of others and lock that in your body. Anger is pure energy and it is time to liberate that energy.

    Now let us journey together to those places in your body where you have locked your own anger. Before you I call another fire. This fire is one of ultra-violet silver fire. Step into this fire. Anywhere your anger is locked in the cells of your body allow the fire to clean that anger and transform it. Then allow the fire to reach into the bones of your body, all joints, all vertebrae. Cleaning and transforming your anger. Into the blood. Then into all organs especially the liver, the bladder, the heart. Then into the gut transforming any anger you are holding there. Then into the nervous system. Hormonal system. Then the reproductive system, any anger there transform. Releasing the past of any hurt or shame or judgement that anger is bad. Experience a deep cleansing and transformation of any anger within you.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. Allow the process of transformation. Step out of that fire feeling lighter.

    Now become aware of your throat. Suppression of anger often leads to a blocking of the natural flow of energy in the throat. The throat has been taught to block any expression of anger. Invite an ultra-violet fire in the throat. Clearing old programming in the throat of blocking anger. Allow the natural connection between the sacral, the emotional centre and your throat. Feel the power in this connection. You can cleanse this connecting channel with ultra-violet fire. As the channel clears allow the fire in the throat to burn aquamarine blue. Allowing any anger in your system to be expressed cleanly without judgement or resentment or disappointment or frustration.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. Allow this process of clearing to take place.

    I am speaking now to your body consciousness. It is time now to allow your natural anger to flow within your energy fields. Allow your anger as a force of clear fire to empower your reality, to give force to your words and actions, to renew and refresh you in ways you could not now imagine. Allow anger to become a force for change within your reality. Giving a certain rigour to your energetic boundaries. Rebalancing any need to excessively please others or sacrifice your time and energy for others. Allowing for a greater efficiency and effectiveness of action.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. Allow this process to take place.

    The final stage of this meditation is working with anger fragmentation. We could call this soul loss. Call into your hands an etheric crystal, the size of a melon. This crystal is highly magnetic. It is sealed in a glowing ultra-violet fire. It is time to call back any of your anger that has become fragmented and has left your energy field. This happens when we feel aspects of our anger are not wanted. Call back now any anger that has become fragmented and has left your energy fields. See it coming back from 360 degrees. Sealed into the crystal. Surrender the crystal to your Higher Self. This crystal is taken to a temple of healing where it will be purified and returned to you when the transformation is complete.

    Just breathe and feel into your body. Allow yourself to become a bright flame of purified power. Allow this power to radiate brightly through the chakras and out into your reality.”

  3. Thank you Steve for sharing your beautiful gifts with the world…very effective…I feel more peaceful.
    Infinite gratitude

  4. This is powerful and so needed. Thank you so much for sharing this. I can feel my anger throughout my body, but specifically it sits in my throat. I didn’t realize that until this meditation. I now feel like I can work on balancing that space and finding my voice to express clean anger. Love and blessings to you too, my friend.

  5. This is another life changing mediation. It was the first time I have ever “ugly cried” during mediation. I would have never guessed I had suppressed anger, but low and behold going through this cleared out some of the old negative things that were holding me back. I went through this meditation more than once and it has literally changed my life and removed blocks that I didn’t know were there. Thanks again Steve!!

  6. Thank you for this meditation so I can release all that suppressed anger I still was holding on to. Bless you

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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