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The Mary Transmission: Invoking Angels of Peace, Love and Miracle-Consciousness.

In this transmission we connect with the energy of the Goddess through the channel of Mary, Mother of Jesus. We call upon three energies to heal a problem or situation. The first energy is that of peace (white) where we surrender all judgement and expectation around the problem. The second energy is that of love (pink) where we send love to all parties involved in this issue. The third energy we invoke is that of transformation or miracle consciousness (aquamarine blue) and angels on the Christ Grid (gold) where we change the molecular structure of the problem or situation allowing for a new reality to arise.

Although the Goddess was banished from the earth over the past few thousand years by Patriarchal religions, yet Her energy could not be completely blocked. In Roman Catholicism the veneration of the Goddess found a channel through the Virgin Mary who was honoured as the mother of Jesus, God incarnate on earth. The cult of the Virgin has its roots in a spiritual tradition much older than Christianity. The cult of the Goddess Isis was formally introduced into the Roman Empire by the Emperor Caligula who constructed a temple to Her in Rome. Her veneration quickly spread throughout the Empire, during the formative years of Christianity, to become the largest cult in the Roman world.

As the Church gained ascendance, popular imagery of Isis was integrated into the new church in several ways. Some statues themselves were physically converted and reused as icons of the Virgin Mary. Also, conventional iconography of the Egyptian goddess, was used in the production of new works to portray the nature of Mary. The image of the child Horus breast feeding on his mother became the iconic image of the Isis cult in Rome that then became the template for the Christian Madonna cult that can still be seen today in most all Roman Catholic Churches. Thus, energy of the Goddess, embraced by the Catholic Church, became available to millions of followers during the past millennium and countless miracles have been attributed to Her intersession over the centuries.

This transmission arose out of a visit to the Sanctuary of Fatima in Portugal in January 2019 during the time of the blood moon and eclipse. Her energy was not to be found amongst the huge edifices and churches built there in Her honour. Rather, it was found on a nearby hilltop where an angel appeared in 1917 to three shepherd children paving the way for a miracle there witnessed by many thousands of people.


The Mary Transmission: Invoking Angels of Peace, Love and Miracle-Consciousness from Steve Nobel on Vimeo.

44 responses

          1. Ty Steve,
            This was one of the most beautiful activations and so impactful.

      1. Deep healing profound experience filled with surprise and wonderment. Was reflecting recently that I’ve been in a varied state of ptsd. Peeling back layers. Divine and timed to perfection.

    1. Thank You so much..Tht was very emotional for me, tears of Joy, Faith, Strength, Blessings an Abundance. Thanks again.

      1. Love n Blessings to you Steve, this was so Powerful ☀️ full of Receiving Healing Love to replace all that I Released, Thank you All for your Love n Healing, much needed! Love n Light Namaste

  1. I simply am overwhelmed. No words to express my gratitude for Steve ‘s timely trip to Portugal, and subsequent message . Thank you, Mother Mary, Isis and this channeler YOU chose for this miraculous consciousness transmission.

  2. Steve, Wonderful transmission. Even though I am a male, I find your goddess transmissions and messages very impactful. Thank you! And thank you for making all of these recordings available to us. Please let us know if you are ever planning on having an event in the New York City area. There are many of us here across the pond who are ready for your healing skills! Love and blessings.

    1. So beautiful and I felt all the energies. Thank you beautiful Being for your great work!!! So much love for you.

  3. Thanks so much Steve for your love and helping me with transformation at this time in my life,
    Powerful energy
    Love to you.
    Debra Joy

  4. Oh, Steve, it was such a blessing to receive this transmission. Profound thanks, as always, for your love and generosity in sharing these meditations so widely.

    Sending you Love and Light,

  5. thankyou Steve, always wonderful and very needed with my digestive issue right now. blessings Patricia Brigit

  6. Amazing, thank you so much. I fell gifted with something truly incredible. Much love. Thank you again. Grace.

  7. Thank you so very very much!!! I couldn’t have stumbled over this transmission at a better time than now! thanks for pushing through adversity to make sure this video was received by all of us who need it.
    Love and Light to you

  8. Hi Steve. For the last eight years I’ve been in the darkest nigt of the soul. It has been a really rough patch. I found your youtube channel in March and I believe I have been divinely guided to it because your meditations and trans missions have allowed me to obtain a serenity that gives me hope and peace. Your voice is absolutely healing. I was looking for Light and I found you.Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart with everyone.
    Blessed be.

    1. Yes, because someone was monetising it and I cannot be bothered to argue with YouTube about this kind of thing. If I appeal and YouTube agrees with the person claiming then it creates a black mark against the platform.

  9. Always in divine timing. The intent was/is to connect this transmission with my inner child & I. We had been detached for a very long while & now is the moment to re-connect. This was beautiful Steve & beloved team. The deeply hidden is now rising, being cleansed & healed so gently, lovingly, beautifully & with great nurture.
    Thank You Beautiful Team…I Love You

  10. Thank you! Came exactly at the right time! Very powerful and I’m grateful! I love my angels and thank you and thank you God.

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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