Katie Holland is a sacred dance therapist and the creator of Awakened Belly dance. She experienced a Starseed awakening aged seven which activated her souls’ mission. This, coupled with several spontaneous Kundalini awakenings as an adult led her on an alchemical journey of inner transformation and an innate understanding of how to embody the new incoming light frequencies through conscious dance. Originally from England, Katie has explored the world since 2006; teaching, performing and creating whilst studying with masters of sacred cultural dances, Tantra, Shamanism, Yoga, Meditation, Trance and Energy healing techniques.
3 responses
Interested in this topic since I had my first Kundalini awakening experiences at age 16, 50 years ago. I was living in a Kundalini Yoga ashram at the time separate from my family. I lived and practiced there for 9 months. There was a great deal of abuse occurring in this cult, so grateful that I got out when I did. In 2012, Kundalini again appeared in the form of spontaneous movement and vocal kriyas. This led to a very intense period of clearing major trauma from my system. I also connected with a diviner in a West African Tradition who guided me to create a deck of Sacred Journey Medicine Cards which has been a fulfillment of my work as a fine artist and healer. Worldly success has been on the back burner due to all of the inner work and history of major trauma. Feeling a shift now into bringing my work into the world.