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Higher Light Decree: Invoking Angelic Support and Galactic Assistance.

This (remastered) decree has been released now because of the urgent nature of this current period of the ascension process. This decree helps unify the focus of Starseeds calling upon Angelic Support and Galactic Assistance. This invocation is intended to neutralise the efforts of the ‘Dark’ to keep the planet locked in a low frequency by attempting to block the emerging 5D Timeline that leads to a New Earth.



At this volatile time in the ascension process, I call upon Source Energy. I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence and Team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness and activate this decree. I call on Archangel Michael and all angels working with Michael to be present during this decree. I call on Metatron and all Archangels from the Great Central Sun working with Metatron to be present during this decree. I invoke all Archangels of the Horizontal and Vertical force planes. I call upon all Elohim and Seraphim. Ultraviolet fire angels. Zero Point field angels and Security Force Field Angels. I call upon all Angelic Support along with all Star Brothers and Sisters in the Universe to assist me in this decree.

At this volatile time in the ascension process, in addition, I call upon and invoke the Ascension Grid, on Christ Consciousness and on all ascended beings within that high frequency grid. I call upon and invoke the Crystalline Grid of Gaia for assistance and support during this process. And all ascended beings within that grid. I call upon all Guardian Races guiding this planet through the ascension process.


Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races. I am a Starseed, I am a Sovereign Being. My mission and calling are sovereign. This mission transcends all laws that support low frequency consciousness and living. Make the way forward clear and free me from all interference and unnecessary challenges.


For the purpose of this decree, I call upon Ultra-violet fire angels to create a triple shield of ultraviolet fire around my energy field. Within that shield I call on Zero Point Field angels to create a field of zero-point energy to remove all interference arising out of my energy field.


I am an incarnate Starseed here for the purpose of assisting in this global shift from darkness to light, from fear to love, from separation to unity consciousness, I consciously join with all other Starseeds across the planet who have heeded the call to awaken and serve this global shift in consciousness. Together we call upon the Guardian Alliance of positive orientated star races, all Angelic Support, all Interdimensional assistance and all specialist teams in Spirit to assist in disabling, neutralizing and clearing all interference with the 5D timeline and the global ascension process.


At this volatile time in the ascension process, I declare this planet now one of ascending light. I declare I am sovereign in my energy fields. I am free from all interference and constraints to assist in the Great Work. The Great Work of clearing this planet of all lower frequency energies and beings and opening the way for the 5D timeline that leads to a New pristine Earth, a New Earth free from fear, manipulation, injustice and violence. This decree allows all lower forces and all beings in the collective who have chosen to continue the journey through 3D Matrix the freedom to move on their own chosen path of evolutionary experience and growth.


Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races, disable, neutralize and clear all remnants of the frequency fence that has kept this planet in a low frequency quarantine for many thousands of years. Disable, neutralize and clear all interference from the artificial satellite (the moon) orbiting the earth. Clear all false light energies emanating from this artificial satellite. Clear all false light timelines connected to this artificial satellite. Seal and disappear all dark portals allowing access on the planet to any lower frequency beings or energies. Reveal to all those ready with eyes to see and ears to listen within the Collective Consciousness the truth of all interference coming from the frequency fence, artificial satellite and all dark portals.


Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races, reveal to all those ready with open minds, eyes to see and ears to listen within the Collective Consciousness the truth of all interference emanating from dark ET forces working behind the scenes in underground bases or hidden spaceships from interfering in the ascension process. Remove all dark ET forces that can be removed at this time, in accordance with the unfolding of the Great Work.


Angelic Support and Guardian Races reveal to all those ready with open minds, eyes to see and ears to listen within the Collective Consciousness the truth of Satanic rituals being used to promote a dark agenda of control, manipulation, power over, abuse, war and violence across the planet. Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races, reveal within the ascending light all movements to create a New World Order, a One World Government, a unified global banking system that does not support the Great Work of ascension. Reveal to all those ready with eyes to see and ears to listen within the Collective Consciousness the truth of all attempts and actions by Luciferian Forces to hack into positive movements and use these for the purpose of financial gain, discord, violence.


Reveal to all those ready with eyes to see and ears to listen within the Collective Consciousness the truth of all agendas to use financial systems as a means of control, as a means of increasing the power of the super wealthy to further enhance the power of Luciferian Forces across the planet. Reveal to all those ready with eyes to see and ears to listen within the Collective Consciousness the truth of all agendas and programs to forcibly reduce the population on the planet. Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races, assist all Starseeds on the planet that are now working to increase the power of light and love, reveal all agendas and forces that are working in the shadows. Reveal to all those ready with open minds, eyes to see and ears to listen within the Collective Consciousness the truth of all agendas working through mainstream media platforms that are aligned with lower forces attempting to push dark agendas and distract the Human Collective from all important issues concerning spiritual awakening, alternative methods of healing, the welfare of the human race and Gaia. Increase the power of the ascending light to reveal all agendas working through celebrity culture, ritual sexual abuse and all other hidden forms of abuse.


Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races, reveal to all those ready with open minds, eyes to see and ears to listen within the Collective Consciousness the truth of all interference all false light being, make their intentions and work plainly visible to all Starseeds that have awakened or are in the process of awakening. Where now possible, neutralize and banish them from interfering with the Great Work.


Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races, reveal to all those ready with open minds, eyes to see and ears to listen within the Collective Consciousness the truth of all toxic agendas (both hidden and in plain sight) that seek to promote or enforce a pharmaceutical solution to a contrived problem across the planet. Reveal to all those ready with eyes to see and ears to listen within the Collective Consciousness the truth of all movements and agendas through media platforms and Government agencies supporting anything that works against the awakening process across the planet. Send immediate support to all Starseed children that are being forced into toxic testing or toxic chemical procedures.


Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races, reveal to all those ready with open minds, eyes to see and ears to listen within the Collective Consciousness the truth of all agendas and programs to enforce a toxic electromagnetic environment across the planet. We request that all circling satellites and all satellites yet to be launched promoting a toxic electromagnetic planetary environment be neutralized. Introduce protective canopies of light within the ascension grid containing minerals drawn from the pristine grid of Gaia to neutralize the effects of all harmful rays across the planet. We request protective minerals such as silver-nickel alloy and copper be infused in many layers within all canopies. Ensure these canopies are above all incarnate Starseeds shielding out all harmful rays from bombarding the planet. We request immediate support for all Starseeds incarnate to enable them to shield and neutralize all harmful effects from masts in their local vicinity.


Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races, reveal to all those ready with open minds, eyes to see and ears to listen within the Collective Consciousness the truth of all hidden corporate, military, black op’s, secret services and all national security forces supporting discord, drug running, corrupt financial dealings, human trafficking, violence and war. Where possible reveal and neutralize all such hidden operations across the planet.


Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races, reveal to all those ready with open minds, eyes to see and ears to listen the truth of information being offered by whistle-blowers revealing various forms of injustice, corruption and all forms of criminality.


Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races, reveal to all those ready with open minds, eyes to see and ears to listen the true extent of dangerous levels of pollution including all non-bio-degradable materials within the land and oceans.

Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races, reveal to all those ready with open minds, eyes to see and ears to listen new solutions and possibilities to help clear all toxic materials and energies from the earth the ascension process. Open the way to a New Earth. Intensify the ascension grid and crystalline grid to support all Starseeds and Gaia at this volatile time. Bringing more light where it is most needed.


Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races, we call upon all forces including all incarnate Starseeds that have heeded the call, to focus all energies at this crucial time on uplifting the planet. To do what is necessary to clear the earth of interference and low frequency energies. To do what is necessary to create an interconnected earth, one where unity and support flourishes, where true abundance is the norm for everyone on the planet, where all kingdoms of this planet are restored to pristine beauty, where the earth blossoms and supports all human communities and activities.


Spirit, Angelic Support and Guardian Races, we request a complete Karmic Clearing of all unnecessary or unjustified karma that can be removed from the Akashic Soul records of all Starseeds incarnate. Clearing their path of service. Do this through all time and space, all dimensions.


I call upon all my Higher Self, Monadic Self, Team in Spirit, all Archangels of the Horizontal and Vertical force planes, upon all Elohim and Seraphim, Ultraviolet fire angels. Zero Point field angels and Security Force Field Angels to amplify this clearing to the maximum intensity. Do this in accordance now within the cosmic laws of love and light for maximum benefit of all. And so it is.


Music By…

Third Age – Light Within (Soundstripe).

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25 responses

  1. I pray often for my nephews and nieces going through all this awful testing. Thank you so much for this powerful declaration and invocation to help all the children. I love the all encompassing scope of this request to help starseeds and everyone, such as whistleblowers, and the intensified call to help ‘all that have eyes to see, and all that have ears to hear’ to realise the truth as it is being revealed to them. The invocation of our beautiful new earth uplifted and inspired me. Many thanks Steve for creating this for us, as an opportunity to join with you in invoking the success of the Light overcoming the Darkness.

    1. Dearest Steve ~ I’m so very grateful that you put this into writing as well, so the hearing impaired could do it ‼️

    1. Please pray for all those effected by Satanic ritual abuse happening now especially on this date around the world. So far, my efforts to get help to those in need- to shine a light on the perpetrators and their horrific abuses- so far people have wanted to side with the power. No one wants to believe that medical doctors abuse their power, abuse their title, sexually abuse and exploit children. The darkness has long tentacles, the network is vast. They are already mind controlling the next generation. My oldest nephew was taught to rape by raping me. They normalize brutality, drugging, violence. Please everyone anyone reading this, please pray for the eradication of evil from this world. Please pray for light to transform the darkness. Please pray for all to be uplifted to safety. Thank you Steve and all loving hearts here. Steve i hope to talk with you one day. Thank you

  2. Steve after this decree, when I thought of how powerful this decree was, in my head your name was not Steve, it was Ikin?
    This decree radiated out of my cells. I could feel all that was said. And I felt complete.
    Im sending you Love Light and Peace
    Layla Star

  3. Steve,

    Thank you so much for this – it was an amazingly powerful and needed degree – incredibly pure – cutting and healing through the 3D rubbish.

    I understand everything at a soul level I got a shock about the moon though – on a soul level it made sense to me but intellectually I have always thought the moon was an allied with femininity?

    Please can you explain – btw I think you are brave as the 3D is watching all the star seeds atm and I find it quite annoying- but am trying to raise my consciousness up so it doesn’t effect me …but it really upsets me when my family and loved ones believe the 3D script!

    1. My pleasure. I understand, I worked magically with the moon for almost a decade. The moon energies are powerful, though I no longer feel them as positive/useful for Starseeds. The words lunacy and lunatic are clues here! It is not safe for Starseeds to connect with the energies of the moon. By thi I mean magically or through deliberate meditation practises. On the other hand I have been asked about holding new/full moon dinner parties which to me is fine.

      1. Hey Steve. I crossed paths with you not too far back. Unfortunately I am able to message you through messenger on social media. I was administered a vision from you, and would love to be involved in this magnificent work. I’m very spiritually advanced and educated with spiritual healing advisement and development. I also perform angelic code light language through sign working within the archangelic heirarchy spiritual decrees and declarations. I’m highly in tune with kether the seroph am experienced in spiritual rank and order protocol and operations and like the kether being such sublime nothing above is source. Colorless beyond labeling with naming unable to utter and comprehension or Understanding as it remains infallible. I’d love to speak more if you are able to contact me you may reach me throught fb @Grace Cephas AKA or Send A Message to me I’ll add my email as well in the information

      2. Hi Steve and Katie
        I too had a shock here and stopped ‘meditating’ and started listening. I feel side swiped, particularly as the moon has marked significant events(I thought) in my life. Help!

  4. This had a powerful effect on my Whole being. It made me feel very empowered and even though I AM an awakened being I’ve been struggling with apathy and depression and an overwhelming amount of negative mental and emotional chatter that I just haven’t been able to release, but this lifted a lot of those feelings and the trance like feeling is no longer there. May you please create something to assist and protect all our Star family that is engaged in this war inter dimensionally also. I/We are so blessed to have you on our side. Much love light and peace,Sir.

  5. Hi Steve,

    I understand what you are saying about the words lunatic and lunacy I have noticed for years that at the time of the full moon people and situations are off kilter!

    Would you say that writing positive affirmations at the time of the new/full moon and cleansing crystals is not appropriate for star seeds? Would these things be considered dangerous – even if intent is pure. What do you think about the study of astrology?

    I think the medications you offer are very high vibration and needed so much at the bizarre time on planet earth – so I am interested in your thoughts?


  6. Thank you for all that you to.

    Question – if many women are connected to the moon, and it’s been a powerful tool which connects us to our moon cycle – why the sudden rejection or the moon? Why are you pushing many people away when many women’s cycles are connected to it?

    1. Thank you for your question. I have been receiving many in the past week or so on this subject.

      Since I am inhabiting a male body in this incarnation, I do not feel it is for me to comment on women’s monthly cycles. What I am suggesting is that the moon should not be worked with energetically or magically. By this I mean meditating on the phases of the moon or doing rituals using the moon’s energy. I am suggesting that a better channel is the Solar-Gaia channel, which runs through the crown and into the crystalline grid of the earth. Coming from earth-magic/pagan traditions I have experienced working with the moon. In Wiccan paths the moon is venerated I did moon manifesting and banishing rituals for many years. I also used to hold full #moon evening gatherings in my home. I am suggesting that the Goddess energy can be better accessed within the crystalline grid of the earth and within the grid emanating from the sun. I have included below a message I received on FB from a woman on this subject. #SteveNobel

      I would like to take the time to thank you for guidance and your work. I have been using your transmissions for a year now and they have greatly helped me with my Ascension process!! There has been a strong negative field interfering with my process since the Pineal gland transmission a few months ago it kept my Third eye trapped in fear and connected to lower frequencies and entities. Portals kept opening back up. Lots of confusion my connection to my God Squad was not clear either I would cleanse and be ok for a few days then bam!! I was absorbing all my clients energy too. I was not able to level up to hold a neutral or positive frequency in my Third eye. ***Then you offered the Moon Matrix reversal meditation and Viola *** !! I have been cleansing that toxic stream and connection that allowed the Dark forces to penetrate my field!! I am feeling so much better and have so much clarity and my Crown, Third eye and back of my neck are vibrating higher!! I am so grateful for your guidance and your work!! I just did the Pillar of Light meditation to help and I feel confident and uplifted!! Tomorrow is my birthday and you have given me the gift of Freedom!! I feel safe and peaceful and ready to continue my Ascension process from a higher perspective!! God Bless you!! Namaste C

  7. What do I need to do with the Decree? is listening enough? Do i need to recite them for myself? Are the invocations the same way?

  8. I LOVE that it felt appropriate to go to the Ultra Violet Angelic Fire Affirmation today.

    On my travels to there, I stopped at The Light Frequency Transmission (it was beautiful) then landed here…

    I LOVE that the mind can suggest certain things & when not focused on it’s promptings…can lead to an even more powerful re-discovery which is completely in divine timing and the most appropriate of all.
    Trusting this process soooo much, without question, without the need to know until it is appropriate & directed with powerful guidance from the perfection of heart…


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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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