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Ascension News: Your Soul’s True Destiny at Work

Work and Starseeds…

Work is an area that concerns most of us. Starseeds are often quite challenged by low vibe 3D work environments. At a certain point on the spiritual path most will seek a major shift in the way they work and generate money in the world.

There are Two Paths of Work…

One of the quotes I really love that perfectly describes the two different paths of work is by Robert Frost, who said, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.” Throughout the first 20 years of my working life, I took the path that most people travel when it comes to work. The path most souls experience is the mundane.

Insecure Work…

In my parents and grandparents’ day you could have a job for life. Now there is no job for life that can be a source of excitement and adventure, or insecurity and clinging, depending on your point of view.

Meaningless Work…

Nowadays, there are many jobs that are simply boring and make little meaningful contribution to the world. Money does not give meaning to work. The question worth asking is, “How much money can compensate you for a life unfulfilled?”

Stressful Work…

Stress in small doses can be a motivating force, but when stress is ongoing it can lead to feeling frazzled and overwhelmed. If it goes on for too long, it will start to feel like a way of life.

Aggressive Work…

Whereas creative disagreement can lead to new ideas and possibilities, destructive conflict rarely produces anything useful. When big egos are present, disagreement, conflict and bullying are bound to happen.

Driven Work…

There is the metaphor of climbing the corporate ladder. Many do climb and at a certain point realise they have been climbing the wrong ladder.

Stuck Work…

Feeling unable to move on because you think you have been there too long, you have invested a lot of time and energy in this job, the pay is good and so on. Perhaps you think you are too old to move or you feel you lack the competencies and skills to move toward what you really want to do.

Unethical Work…

Within many businesses there is the dance between maximizing profits and being environmentally sustainable.  If you work within an unethical or unsustainable business, then on some level you are contributing to the suffering on the planet.

Unequal Work…

Despite the generally accepted principle of equal rights in the workplace discrimination does happen.  

The Magical 5D Path…

For 20 years I took the path I have just mentioned. I have experienced elements of suffering. When it comes to changing paths there are essentially two ways to shift. One is more strategic eg going part time to explore other possibilities such as starting your own business. The other is a leap of faith, this is the path I followed.

In 1997 I decided to follow another path, the magical path of my heart. I chose to follow my heart, no plan, trust the universe, resigned from the normal world of work and went on an adventure. Nowadays in the Western world, we are being called to take charge of our destiny – our working lives are no longer largely organized for us. The values of our parents and grandparents cannot guide us as they could in previous decades.

Work and Soul…

When it comes to the Magical Path the soul is your guide. Work and spirituality have not really mixed for centuries, but nowadays it is more important than ever that our work is a vessel for our spirit. The good news is that nowadays we can live a spiritual life without retreating from the world. Most of the spiritual people I have met do not live in monasteries but are happily engaged in varying work situations. If we cannot find work that feeds our soul then we must create it! This is what I have done with my own work.

Work and Vibration…

Work is vibration. Everything is vibration: a thought, a feeling, a project, a work environment. Some environments vibrate with high levels of creativity, love and joy, and some vibrate much lower with anger, resentment and anxiety. There is a spiritual principle that says like attracts like and energies that mismatch tend to repel. A joyful person will not naturally seek out a depressing workspace. An ethical person will not naturally seek out an unethical company. Of course the need to make money can muddy decision making! When we strive to keep our vibration light and high, we will attract high vibrational work.

Work and Love…

Work needs to be a love affair. When you are doing something you love, it will not seem like work. Without a sense of passion we are ruled by our head and not our heart. We need the heart to be fully engaged in our work. We are passionate when we are working in accordance with our values. If we have no idea what we truly value, then we are essentially a boat without a rudder. Passionate work is sensual work; it uses our hands and all our senses. Work is about satisfying a deep inner calling. Some call this a soul calling, others call it finding your vocation. Vocation comes from the Latin verb vocare, which means “to call”. A job is about performance reviews, promotions and salary raises. Yet a vocation is so much more than a job. A vocation is a calling to make a difference in the world and touching lives in some way.

Work and Presence…

Work demands that we are awake and conscious, rather than half awake, clock watching, working on autopilot. When we love what we are doing and the people we are doing it with then we stay fully present and conscious.  

Work and Courage…

The journey really begins with courage. The current working climate does not favour conformity; it favours boldness and innovation. Courage is about maintaining a healthy individuality; it’s about knowing our values and standing by them. This can be challenging in some working environments, for sure. When things are tough, courage is the pivotal energy that can flip us out of situations our head says we must endure. Courage is not reactive; it is deeply contemplative. Rashness or impulsivity are reactive knee-jerk states where there is no real sense of inner power. Courage is also linked to tenacity, and this is a quality very much needed on the journey ahead.

Work and Freedom…

Work and freedom are not mutually exclusive. Liberation happens first in the mind. A free mind can create a life that feels free; a trapped mind is not aware of its true capabilities, gifts and potential. A trapped mind is blocked by limiting beliefs, old stories, perceptions and expectations. We cannot truly know ourselves or see the world through such mental distortions. When we transform our limiting beliefs and stories, we can see and experience a new world. The traditional nine-to-five job is no longer the only option available. With more hybrid working options, and therefore less time wasted on commutes, employees can now tweak their hours around their life.

Work and Intuition…

Work calls us to be more whole-brained. We cannot rely on only logic and intellect; we need our intuition and imagination to survive and thrive in these times of change. Relying on logic alone just will not do it anymore. You need to awaken your intuition and combine it with your logic. Intuition is your personal compass to navigate challenges in the workplace, find new solutions, make more empowered choices and take more effective action. Whether it’s about asking your boss for a raise, trying to predict the erratic nature of the world markets or deciding to stay or quit your job, your intuition will save you a lot of time and energy. It is your internal GPS that will get you to where you want to go.

Work and Learning…

Work is about ongoing learning. Unfortunately, most school curriculums are designed to produce left-brain dominant thinkers who can fit, like a cog, neatly into some larger system, whether that be a factory or an office. School has taught us how to obey the rules and how to unify logic with intuition. What school did not teach most of us is how to be truly creative and abundant in the world. You would be very fortunate if your school taught you how to think and act more entrepreneurial! However, you still have the opportunity to learn, thrive and grow in the ever-changing vista of work. In the new landscape of work some old rules will be bent and some will be broken.

Work and Happiness…

If there is one thing I have learned in my working life, it is that we are not on this bright Earth to stay in any job that makes us unhappy. For a limited time, we may choose to work just for money. But this is not an ideal long-term plan! We do not have to sell our time and happiness for money. Our time on this Earth is finite and it is the one resource we will never recover, at least not in this lifetime. Unhappiness in any job is not mandatory; it is optional, and the person who decides whether you suffer or not is not the boss, the company, your government or your culture – it is you! Unhappiness is a form of feedback that tells us something is amiss, that something needs to change.

Work and Meaning…

Research has linked meaning at work to a sense of autonomy, variety, challenge, meaningful feedback, and the chance to complete something from start to finish. Work can offer a clear sense of direction and purpose, and a meaningful contribution to others. A better word for purpose is direction: knowing where you are going and why you are going there. Finding your true direction is like falling in love – you do not know what it is until you experience it for the first time. The journey is meant to be visionary rather than goal driven. Here we become the artists of our working lives. No longer limited by the dreams and hopes of others, we let our own dreams soar and take flight.

Work and Flexibility…

Work demands that we are adaptable, that we know how to change and that we can move with agility from one set of skills to another. Adaptability is a core principle of evolution. We are now evolving from one mindset and identity into another. Being adaptable means that you can shed what you do not need, you can downsize, take time out, try out new things, think outside the box, and move career paths if you desire.

Work and Creative Play…

Work can be fun. If your work is not fun, then you need to consider changing something, either your outlook or the work itself. Many forms of work hold little creative potential. The old work ethic, about hard work and ongoing graft, no longer fits our current landscape. There is a new ethic emerging that focuses more on play and fun. This is about shifting your identity from being a worker to a player. As a worker you know about hard graft, but as a player you know about fun, ease and grace.

The Magical Path is Possible for You…

I have been on this magical path of work for many years now. In 1997 when I resigned from the mundane path I stepped into an adventure with no clear plan. It was bumpy for a time but I soon began working in a spiritual not for profit organisation that ran spiritual events mainly for authors. In 2000 I became a director of that organisation and for 13 years had a great time. I resigned at the Winter Solstice 2012 and after another adventure began my own work with The Soul Matrix starting in 2016. So wherever you are on the journey know that it is possible to step on the magical path of work. If it is possible for one person it is possible for you.

Music by…

Chris Collins and the track is called Delta Dream

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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