The Goddess Hera-Medusa Transmission: Reclaiming the Dark Feminine.

The Myth of Medusa… Many are familiar with the myth of Medusa, her rape, subsequent transformation in a monster with serpent hair and her defeat by the warrior Perseus who weaponised her dark power by cutting off her head. This is an old myth representing the demonisation of female power and sexuality. The Symbology of […]

Podcast: Channel Your Soul Story.

What is soul story telling? How does it help with the healing process? Cheryl Prince is a sacred storyteller, soul guide, spiritual writer, performer & activist and Creatrix of 5d Theatre. Cheryl has the Black Rose Priestess lineage in her soul story, alongside many lifetimes of Energy and Oracle work. She loves to help her […]

Morning Prayer to the Winged Solar Disk

The Winged Solar Disk… Without the Sun, there is no life, there is just nothingness and darkness. The Ancient Egyptians saw the Sun as being key to their collective wellbeing. The Egyptian symbol of the winged sun was a symbol of royal power. It also represents the soul without physical form. The Egyptian Myth of […]

Goddess Isis and Goddess Nephthys Transmission: Protection Both Day and Night

Twin Goddesses… We call upon these two twin Goddesses for magical protection across both morning/day and twilight/night. Isis and Nephthys are the mirror image of each other, both are magical protectors. Isis can be sought for magical protection during the day and Nephthys can be sought for magical protection during the night. The goddesses are […]

Affirmations: I Am Activating the Full Power of My Intuition

The Power of Affirmations… I am now directly addressing your unconscious mind, the part of you that never sleeps, the part of you that is always listening to the thoughts you think, the words you speak, the part of you that is always aware of the choices you make, the part that is right there […]