Podcast – Ascension, An Arcturian Perspective

Listen to this podcast with David K. Miller on Ascension from an Arcturian Perspective. Herein David answers questions on: his work with the Arcturians, the ascension process, how the Arcturians are helping us right now, some of the challenges we face and he also speaks on planetary healing.

ASCENSION NEWS: Moving into 5D Love/Unity Consciousness.

Ascension is the process of personal awakening where your energy bodies open to embody more of your Divine light into physical form. This process shifts your core vibration into a higher timeline-matrix which many are calling 5D love/unity consciousness. Here your chakras and energy systems receive an upgrade, dormant DNA becomes activated and you begin to experience more of your true multidimensional nature. Here you naturally access more flow, trust, synchronicity and miracles.